Reviews for The RWBY Casts Watches the Multiverse
Winters queen chapter 31 . 7/24
Please update soon
GR chapter 31 . 7/24
Would you consider adding the War of the Best, of the manga One Piece in here?
It is also a war of many ideals, and quite interesting, even if the scale of destruction is not as much as some shown in this fic
ForceUnleashed01 chapter 31 . 7/23
Can you have team RWBY watch the Star Wars: The Force Unleasshed II E3 Trailer please?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23
I got a odd one but here how about the Batman
Who laughs from the dark horror
They them wonder of themselves of
The nightmare they could see of themselves.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/22
Let's see Metal Gear Rising reactions of the final battle between Raiden and Senator Armstrong one of the most epic final fights with the most epic music of all time. Team RWBY and JNPR and Cinder are going to be in awe of the final battle.
"In the end It has to be this way."
Please it is so epic.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/22
I hope we get to see more Hacksaw Ridge scenes and reactions for the RWBY audience to see and the end of the movie.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/22
Can you have them watch the WW2 2014 movie Unbroken and them see the ending please that movie made have tears of joy when I saw it. Louie despite everything his Japanese captors did to him he still forgave them and in his last years even ran in the Olympics in Japan at the age of 80. I really want to see the RWBY characters have tears of sadness and full of bright joy when they see the ending of the movie of how Louie would live his life still happy and forgiving his enemies after WW2. Cinder can call it foolish all she wants but the rest of audience will be so happy with the ending.
Hellbreaker chapter 31 . 7/23
I would like to see everyone react to the Transformers Prime episode Triage. I think a lot of them would love to see the fight between Soundwave and Wheeljack. I also think Qrow will love Wheeljack's personality while the others compare Neo to Soundwave since neither of them talk, at least until Soundwave decided to taunt the Autobots with how he is superior to them all.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/20
Suggestion: Can we some DuduFilm trailers in here for them to see and hear please? DuduFilm does a fantastic job doing Star Wars fan trailers that tell the story, character personalities, philosophies, and themes by mere shots of movie scenes plus cinematic trailers and dialogue of audio books and games with editing that is awesome to witness. He's incredibly underrated if you ask me.
Seriously go check him out he's awesome.
Draco chapter 31 . 7/20
You should have them react to suicide squad
Sauce chapter 11 . 7/20
Death Stranding TGA 2017 Trailer?
FMBA fan chapter 31 . 7/19
A interesting scene for them to see in both horror and awe would be the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood scene of Father's transmutation and devouring Truth and how Father views all humans as insects to him.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/19
Can you try some WW2 and Cold War videos like showing them the games, movies, and documentaries based on them like for example the openings to Cod 2 D-Day landing and Cod 3 (2006) and their first missions, Cod Black Ops 1, Saving Private Ryan D-Day landing, WW2 in Color the coming storm, Gladiators of World War 2 Waffin SS, and the Atomic Bomb. Sorry if I'm being overly stuffing information here but there are so many interesting examples for them to see. Heck Simple History and The Armchair Historian can show so many events during WW2 and the Cold War era in small bits for them to witness from equipment to military doctrine, squad formation, and training. There's tons of possible reactions to see from them.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/19
Could you have them watch Oversimplified's WW1 and WW2 videos?
Winters queen chapter 31 . 7/18
Please update I really have missed updates on this story
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