Reviews for The Island Prince
kunf'you'z-ed chapter 1 . 7/28
I absolutely adored this story and the Percy in an island surrounded by sea animals and I keep getting an image in my head of George of the Jungle and the scene where he puts flowers in his hair and Percy putting shells and stuff in his braid. And Nico absolutely stunned by his beauty- not like he already isn’t but yeah.

I really like that Percy didn’t go back to the human world, like- he did make a connection with the animals and the island and if I could talk to them and they raised me, I wouldn’t want to leave either. So I am glad that Percy and Nico found a way to make it work, with Nico able to shadow travel! This was just amazing babe, I loved it! Thanx!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16
Sounds like my boy sharkboy
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11
Aspen Tsavorite chapter 1 . 5/22
Sweet and amusing and cute. I like your thoughtfulness in Percy growing up, getting past his denial about what happened to his mother, and being logical about the threat visitors might face and how easily he’d adapt to going back to civilization. I’m not entirely sure how he can speak English well, but it’s important for plot. :) Thank you!
HunterofArtemis06 chapter 1 . 5/9
I’m so sorry, but I just HAVE to share my stupid thought that Percy walking on water reminded me of Jesus...I laughed harder than I should have honestly Owo
bananahead1 chapter 1 . 5/7
this could be such a good fic its sad that this is only a one shot but this is the third time I came across the author and I loved all of them your awesome
nicodiangelolovah chapter 1 . 2/11
Cute! I loves it!
Dandelion's L chapter 1 . 1/23
It's the third time that I read it... And I love it even more! Thank you thank you thank you!

P.S.: FFnet doesn't let me review twice...
magicanimegurl chapter 1 . 1/15
I love this. Percy has an island all to himself and has animal friends/family. Im glad you kept Percy on his island home. I wonder what the gods think of percy island. I have a feeling Poseidon probably knows and lets his son have his home. Nico and percy is adorable in this. Nico can come and go as he pleases. It will be easy to give Percy gift since he will not be in touch with the outside world. So much to enjoy. Write on!
Codename-SN chapter 1 . 12/2/2019
i love that percy gets to stay on his island and not go back but really can you imagine the demigods in a pinch and then nico gets percy to help (once and they've talked about it) and like,, literally no one knows him and it's hilarious
ItsBB808 chapter 1 . 10/29/2019
Dammit I wanted more ;-; but great writing and a good plot, it was a lot different
Seele Zeit chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
okay that was just freaking adorable. I love that he got to stay on his home island rather than getting dragged away.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
This is so beatiful i love how you've done this
Artemis the angel chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
as i was reading this i thought about a barbie movie that is similar to this called the island princess. it was directed by greg richardson. search it up but you don't have to if you don't want to.
RebelQueen99 chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
Pthis is really good and I need more of this, please add more I’d love to read more of this
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