Reviews for One Injustice Too Many
senawario chapter 1 . 8/9
expected a lot more punishment of the sheeple, was too tame
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24
toile grant chapter 1 . 4/26
weirdhead chapter 1 . 4/21
Fillius, who don’t care if Luna was being bullied who was in his own house, knows that Snape was bullied, and he was Lily's friend! Please.
ak chapter 1 . 4/13
bonne fic!
izukumidoriyawolffox chapter 1 . 4/13
It was a great story.
ak chapter 1 . 3/1
bonne fic!
amyrlinengineer chapter 1 . 2/21
I was terrified that Hedwig was going to be hurt. Is it bad that I was so relieved that Ana only lost an eye, instead? haha. I enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing.
Kai chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
During the fights in the third task all I could ask myself is: If he countries have chosen those psychopaths to fight a teenager, in what crapsack world do they live that the government not only let such people alive but send them children to violate in every possible disgusting way? They were appropriate opponents for gladiatorial bloodsport in Britain, where children can be murdered just because they dare being made more popular than the minister by a senile shithead. But for governments to support them and provide them with victims for their sick fantasies, no, that's too much.
Terra King chapter 1 . 12/1/2019
Dear Kourtney,

Likewise, I cannot believe I actually missed out this story. I am so, so sorry about it. :(

Please kindly pardon and correct me if I am in error, but from what I have seen, I think it is actually highly likely that Amelia would end up disowning Susan, while Sirius and Remus would end up at the Janus Thickery Ward (the ward in St Mungo's Hospital that treats permanent spell damage) with a twenty-four-hour suicide watch on them both. Why? Well, given the sharp nod that Amelia gave Anastasia when the younger witch handed the rat to her, I believe Madam Bones is one furiously angry and beyond humiliated woman, and when she gets to the bottom of everything...well, I honestly cannot see how Susan would evade the hardest punishment of all, especially when it was mainly through her (Susan's) actions that the honour of the Bones family was lost in such a disgraceful manner. As for Sirius and Remus...well, I have always believed that neither of them were ever fully sound, and given that they are fully aware of how badly they had screwed up, I think they would just slip into suicidal madness.

I must also confess, though, that I am thoroughly confused by the McGonagall of this story - she openly wept in self-loathing over Anastasia's brutality during the First Task, and yet she still tried to pass on Dumbledore's new orders to the younger witch when she encountered her for the first time in months. I mean, "I'm aware you have more reasons than anyone to be miffed at Hogwarts" and "winced and decided to let her cursing slide", seriously? That was what McGonagall tried to say when she already knows how utterly Anastasia had grown to hate them, and for so many perfectly justifiable reasons? McGonagall actually had the audacity to "let her cursing slide" when she (McGonagall) had to bear one of the biggest shares of the blame for all the bad things Anastasia had suffered? What was McGonagall thinking? What was she doing? Would you please enlighten me on this, my friend? I would really, really like to know why McGonagall still said the things she had and behaved in the way she did when she already knows Anastasia had snapped, and she (Anastasia) had every right to.
Calmzone1 chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
Dark but good. Well done.
Gracealma chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Loved the story.
Liked a girl "Harry," and where she kicked everyone's behind and got out of England with Hedwig, Dobby, and Sal.
Eclectica737 chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
We have to see the rest of the fallout. I for one would love me to see Ron, the Weasleys, & especially Dumbledore get theirs in any way or shape possible for being dicks to her. Great story.
Shadow Wolf 15846 chapter 1 . 11/7/2019
its sad that its only a one shot, cause you did such a good job!
3697014 chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
great story could use an epilogue, seeing the aftermath of things.
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