Reviews for Damaged Raven
Shadowdog11 chapter 19 . 8h
I think your approach with Neville is perfect so far. Spot on for what I assume Augusta is too
poetryboss chapter 62 . 20h
MY DUDE! you cannot understand both the satisfaction and the disappointment I am feeling current. Here I am, binge reading your pieces and I am used to reading chapter after chapter without wait and now I reach the end of this chapter and it comes to a stop. I am so hooked with every story you have written and cannot wait until you write more chapters of every piece you are still in the works in. You rock. I appreciate the way you take ideas from other stories yet still make them your own. I have read a story with Harry using elemental magic as well as hand-to-hand combat in the same story but it is amazing what you can do differently with every different ability he has. You have me intrigued and wanting to read more every chapter and I am in love. Since I am waiting for this and Reborn to continue, I just started reading Apex a couple hours ago and I'm already at chapter 5 (I think). You will always have a supporter in me, my friend. If you ever need a beta reader, I am always ready to do so (even though I can't technically on this site because I haven't met the requirements for it. I'm not much of a writer myself so I can't apply for it officially, but just shoot me a PM and I'd be willing). Keep up the good work.
Shadowdog11 chapter 3 . 20h
Beautiful. I was happy when he first hit him and it only got better!
gassman chapter 39 . 7/22
I have read this story once and now i am on my second read through and i am enjoying it so just ignore the assholes and keep on doing what you are doing.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/19
When Rita Skeeter of all people is the first person (not among Potter's family or friends) to actually go out of her way to truly help Potter and right the wrongs society committed against him... is the darkest timeline...
Guest chapter 28 . 7/19
Potter has a Shadow Raven

Familiar Name 1: Raven

Familiar Name 2: Shadow his defense, Potter did admit that he wasn't creative when it came to naming things
a.vago chapter 19 . 7/21
Nice story - thanks for writing and sharing it!
Though I am not the right person to correct anyone, especially not on English, I would like to point out the differences among “You”, “You are” ( “You’re”), “Your” and “Yours”...
obvsHiNnY chapter 1 . 7/19
wait delphi as in riddle... sick
rocbabe chapter 55 . 7/19
You mentioned that Luna wasn't in the story, but she was. Harry notices her right after her sorting when she comes to the Ravenclaw table.
poetryboss chapter 30 . 7/16
I'm not sure if you still read reviews from chapters a while back but I just read this chapter and I noticed that you put in Drumstrang instead of Durmstrang. I wondered if that is an honest mistake or if you purposefully changed the names by a small margin?
Helily chapter 62 . 7/15
I have 100% approval for Harry’s ongoing family protection killing spree.

And I stayed up till 3:12AM because I couldn’t stop reading this. Well, I could, but I didn’t want to. No regrets. Eyes might be burning from not enough blinking, though.
Helily chapter 59 . 7/15
Is this how normal people pick out names? Appalling. But at least James is a decent name. (And Delphi, wasn’t Derrick the name of one of those torturer guys? Why you suggest that name?)
Helily chapter 58 . 7/15
What WHAT!? You really like doing this to readers don’t you? Shocks everywhere! Not complaining, having too much fun, but seriuolsyulY! Uh, I mean, seriously. Ahem. Yes. Why do I never see these things coming? Does this kind of thing happen naturally or do you go out of your way to have surprises? (A werewolf son, how terrible)(where is a cure when it’s needed?)(is this really not a trick? Guess I’ll find out when I read more chapters)
Helily chapter 55 . 7/15
Helily chapter 49 . 7/15
Heheheheh. You have such fun ideas.
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