Reviews for Going through the Motions
Margret chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
This is truly a beautiful gem of a story and I love it a lot. You have captured the essence and the heart of Constance/D Artagnan in a beautiful, caring and empathic way. Though it diverges from cannon it feels real and true to me and it gives me very much and very vivid Constagnan vibes and feels.

I especially loved the bits around the silver brooch, a token and a symbol of their love, of the one perfect night they have been able to share and of the way DArtagnan admires and respects Constance
(yes, this is a reference to 1x07 and also yes, you story brought back many memories of Constaganan moments of S1 and S2). Also the brooch is sort of Constances lifeline, when she is trapped in the fire.

My favorite moment is - of course - their happy reunion in the end - they are so madly besotted with each other and they do deserve this. Also I think you have created a wonderful moment of a typical and
touching Constagnan embrace - I love their embraces and kisses so much.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us. You have given us Constance and DArtagnan as they live and breathe and love !
Aingealsuh chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
This was absolutely fantastic! So glad that they finally found out what was truly happening with Constance in your version of the story!
If this was your first musketeer story, I can’t wait to read your next ones because I’m sure they will awesome, too.
pallysAramisRios chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
Wow so goood her husnabd was a total twat
Greenlips24 chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
Constance accepting her lot was hard to read. I loved the line, "There are too many snakes in your paradise."
Lovely happy ending. They are not my favourite pairing, but you did a great job and I enjoyed it. I was really rooting for her.