Reviews for Unending Horizon
Crimson Reiter chapter 1 . 5/9
30 min trying to say Ak's actual name x'D
SeanHicks4 chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
Interesting, although I’m a lot more lost than an clipshow episode of Rick and Morty...
Razmire chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Apologies, I accidentally pressed the post button before finishing my review. Here’s the rest of it. The third idea is the Zelda game Ocarina of Time, with Ren (or Jaune) as Link and Nora (or Pyrrha) as Zelda. The scene would be the final battle with Ganondorf (I wouldn’t replace him), both as a Gerudo and as Ganon.
The fourth idea is Luigi’s Mansion, with either Ruby or Jaune as Luigi. The scene would be them fighting King Boo and rescuing whoever you decide to have stuck in a painting.
The fifth idea is the Dawnguard DLC of Skyrim, with Jaune as the Dragonborn and Weiss as Serana. I’m thinking that the scene should either be them confronting and killing the vampire snow elf (can’t recall his name), or them fighting and Harkon’s (Jacques) plot to put out the sun.
I hope that you like at least one of my ideas enough to use them.
razmire chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
The way that you described Ak makes me think of a black, skeletal version of Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist.
I have a bunch of ideas that I’d like to suggest, but I’ll limit myself to five so as to not overwhelm you. The first idea is Monsters Inc., with a five/six year old Ruby in place of Boo. I just find the idea of a lot of ‘scary’ monsters afraid of an adorable little Ruby to be hilarious, and I’m sure the audience (Yang) will as well.
The second idea is the new Addams Family movie, with Jaune and Pyrrha (or some other couple) taking the places of Gomez and Morticia. I’m thinking that the scene should be the beginning of the movie with the wedding and finding their new home.
The third idea
Sperance chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Huh... If you're taking ideas I have something. It's actually the outline of a fic I'll prabably never write because I lack the time for it.

It starts in an interrogation room in a frontier town., where Peter Port meets with Jaune Arc, age seventeen, who is accused of Grimm poaching: basically taking Hunstman contracts without a license.

Turns out, Jaune ran away from home at fourteen, realizing his family would never aprove of his being a Huntsman. He stole Crocea Mors and fled into the night and, against all odds survived and even thrived and an illegal Hunstman. Who needs a licence to be a hero, anyway? Long story short, he stepped on a few toes in his last job and got arrested and charged and, as someone with Aura and Grimm slayed experience, Vale sent a true Huntsman (Port in this case), to take custody of him.

Unfortunately for them, that kinda reckless determination is the kind of thing Port loves so he offers an alternative: Beacon could always use more determined, strong students and it beats prison. Ozpin has a story of accepting vigilantes, after all.
IHateGenericCereal chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
Oh hey, I feel silly now after encouraging you to post this like 10 minutes ago in my review on Systema.
That aside, good start. I'm glad you've made the host of the theater kind of impartial and actually quiet, a lot of stories have this OC that just constantly talks your ear off instead of the characters from the series. Not that it makes those bad, but I'm here for the RWBY cast.
If you're taking recommendations for games and movies or what have you to put here, I'll toss in Berserk, Metal Gear, Xenoblade, and Persona 3 for now. I specify 3 because I think it'd be fun to see how the cast reacts to the summoning method. John Wick could be fun, too.
Anwyways, good first chapter, looking forward to more.
armentho chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
btw i forgot to add something

remember you can do your own little one shots for AU,you dont always have to rely on already existing material for reactions

for example,remember that comment i made a long ago about a loki-esque grimm that exists since times were the gods of light and dark walked among humans
wich porpuse is not to kill mankind,but to harras it to force to strive and improve through conflict

thats one hell of alternate scenario
Dr. Valentine chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
Well, that was much better than most "watching" fics. You didn't add too many characters, or make them talk too much. I enjoyed it, and would like to see more. Not too sure what the thing they watched was based off of, if anything all, so maybe you could tell us afterwards? Keep up the good work.
armentho chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
so a reaction fic?

seems good,im a huge fan of this genre of fics so im gonna give you some good advice as i been doing with the gamer fic

have some sense of progression or continuity,experiences creates reactions,reactions creates opinions and reflecting on the topic,reflecting on the topic creates new opinions (maybe different from the initials ones)

for example,if ruby reacts to story that deconstructs heroism (shows the raw and ugly parts of what being a hero entitles) she will have a emotional and ideals clash but after that will develop a new opinion based on the former experiences and opinions

on continuity,a big problem of eaction fics if that they work as a slice of life,reaction saw,reaction dropped and forgotten by rwby and co,instead have them comparing the new reactions to those that they already saw

only watching is kinda boring after a time,you could have them interact with the world they react to in some way,i suggest adding a reward or souvenir after each viewing,like after watching a sci fi universe,the watcher gives them a usb with a couple of blueprints,or after watching a fantasy world a couple scrolls for magic that

the narrator needs to be more proactive,having the narrator being a ''yes men'' without opinion or personality of its own and that only limits to try to satisfy rwby and gives them the reason in everything is boring
instead have a narrator that has its own unique beliefs and opinions that might or not clash with those of ruby and co

for example,if i were a narrator i would be incredibly cinical about people,wich clash with ruby idealism,so if ruby went and called someone coward for not acting like a hero,i would defend the person in question saying he is just a flawed human

a good example of a narrator that doesnt fit the viewers beliefs can be found in the reaction fic ''RWBY and friends watch Resident Huntsman'' written by gravenimage and ''warrior of the six blades''

fourth:dont limit yourself to copy paste universes word by word
some universes doesnt mix well with rwby characters personality,so making a AU with them is hard,so dont fear to make sligth modifications to the plot and amount of characters so it fits better

as well,sometimes show them universes that have nothing to do with rwby,reacting to a totally different universe can be interesting,like a reaction about the vorkute mission on call of duty black ops,reznov is the kind of person they havent seen before

dont fear on coming back to already visited universes,there is many things you could react in a single verse,besides this aid on th sense of continuity

sixth:remember to alternative versions with personalities similar to rwby and co
a joker jaune doesnt make sense,is just jaune in face but has no similaritie on experiences nor persoality to jaune
a punisher jaune after his family dies makes more sense (cinder shows he holds a huge grudge against those that harm his friends and family)

try to explore cosmic horror and existentialism a bit,the idea there are things bigger than rwby

anyway,good luck with the reactions
PorterHawk chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Hey, this is pretty good! I also like that everyone will get focused attention rather than just Jaune, so I’m looking forward to more! Since you mentioned you were taking suggestions in the end I thought I would leave a few here:

A RWBY Crossover with The Evil Dead 2 or Army of Darkness. Maybe the gang comes across the “Grimmnomicon” and accidentally release Grimm into the world but theyresembleThe Evil Dead more than Grimm, or something along those lines.

A crossover with Fellowship of the Rings, with maybe elf Ren and dwarf Nora. I feel like that could be either comical or badass depending on how you go with it.

A crossover with Wolf’s Rain. It’s a unique world that I don’t think gets enough attention, and the series is fantastic if you’ve never seen it.

That’s my two cents. Ignore my suggestions or run wild! I look forward to whatever you make next.
Pinkpower3612 chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Loved the first chapter, will be looking forward to reading the future ones. By the way, how about having a reality based on The Boys (either the series or the graphic novel or taking elements from both) shown?

Here are some ideas I have for the characters:

Huntsmen as supers in general

Either Qrow or Ironwood as Butcher (Qrow fits by his character and general attitude, Ironwood, though, fits more by the looks)

Jacques as Frenchie (his surname before the marriage was Gelé, so that's pretty much the main reason; also, this character is pretty much underused in reaction fics and it'll be interesting to see him in such an atypical role: a mentally unstable operative instead of some sort of businessman, noble or politician)

Either Hazel or Ghira as MM (pretty obvious: big guy type characters, though, if Jacques is Frenchie, I'd suggest Ghira, as they hate each other (even though here it will be for a whole other reason))

Either Jaune or Oscar as Huey (weak and cowardly at first, grows stronger and braver later, also, being young, follows heart more often than mind)

Pyrrha as Starlight (young celebrity unhappy about being famous)

Either Ilia or Blake as the Transluscent (stealth-oriented semblances - stealth-oriented ability)

Either Ozpin or any other incarnation of Ozma (in his late 20s-mid 30s) as Homelander (huntsman #1 - super #1)

Both the novel and the series are great and I was pretty surprised when nobody from the "reactions club" made a chapter when the series was released. Really hope you fix it.
NuclearPenStrokes chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
ok ok ok here's my idea, one of the characters suddenly has defective clones/multiples of themselves running around whether be Dust, semblance, schneenanagins or atlas doing some shady stuff but now all the clones have to live with the original at beacon and keep causing trouble with friends teachers and what have you. the plot would basically be just following the original around as they clean up and prevent messes of their defective clones but in the end the clones give the original something, party/gift what have you, and we get a wholesome ass ending of the original loving their defective selves.

side note when I say defective I mean like either they are younger or have personality quirks that make them not like the original. i.e. if ruby had the clones one would be cookie obsessed beyond what normal ruby is and gluttonous or another would be super young and cling to yang everywhere she goes, or maybe one that gives legitimately anyone heartfelt confessions of undying love
Calamk chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Unending Horizon. I'm so glad that we will see more than just Jaune in this fic. There are so many of these that just copy-paste and focus solely on Jaune that I'm honestly kinda tired of it. Good job on the first chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Stratos263 chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Good job on the start
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Can you bring Oscar into the story? I mean he's raley seen in reaction fics and I want to see him react to different worlds of himself.

Also does anyone realize that his story is very similar to Luke Skywalker?
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