Reviews for With Prejudice
MrsSP9 chapter 4 . 10/3
Great chapter, loved the cammeradary between Elizabeth and her uncle, can't wait to see what happens when they get the silliest of sisters on board
AnaWayne chapter 4 . 9/29
I quite like this Mr Phillips!
Mr Bennet is so lazy and indolent that he does nothing. He is the kind of man that prefers to cry over the spilled milk instead of preparing himself for a tragedy.
He is one of the worst type of father a woman in that era could have.
Hope Elizabeth and Mr Phillips can do something about Mr Wickham seeing as Mr Bennet is, once again, useless.
See you soon!
LotsOfLaundry chapter 4 . 9/29
I have always believed the poor parent of Elizabeth and her sisters is Mr. Bennet. He had the power to help his family (including his wife). Great story - please continue! LotsOfLaundry
LotsOfLaundry chapter 1 . 9/29
This is by far, one of my most favorite "one shots"! Thank you!
Renuka Vaishampayan-Ranade chapter 4 . 9/29
I read all 4 chapters today and I love this story! Mr. Phillips is an unknown character in the original book, it is great to see his affection for his extended family and his care for their welfare. Looking forward to the next update!
amr chapter 4 . 9/27
This is great! I adore Mr Phillips, and I look forward to your portrayal of the silliest of sisters-who I suspect will not prove to be quite as silly as Mr Bennet and Lizzy assume.
Jansfamily4 chapter 4 . 9/28
So what does Uncle Phillips have in mind? Shame on Papa! He would let his silliest daughters be ruined, rather than have to leave his book room. He can let his brother-in-law save his daughters. Shame on Papa!
nanciellen chapter 4 . 9/28
Great chapter. So wonderful to have a voice of reason like Mr. Phillips
Jansfamily4 chapter 3 . 9/27
I like this friendship between Lizzy and Mr Phillips. I don't think that I have seen it before. Lizzy isn't as smart and perceptive as she thinks.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/27
Welcome back! Love your Uncle Phillips and Elizabeth banter!
Excellent story
lpinney chapter 4 . 9/27
Thank you for the new chapter, i only wish you would post more frequently... have to reread the story from scratch when multiple months pass between posts!
I like this ooc and actively involved uncle Phillips, and hope Elizabeth lets go of her stubbornness to gain a better understanding of Darcy. Cant wait to see how Phillips and Elizabeth employ Mrs B to do their bidding... will they use he notorious gossiping to spead warnings of Wickham throughout the town, or convince her of his threat to her daughters i wonder? Or maybe the reintroduce the more compliant Darcy to her and she will witness his admiration for her daughter? No, probable not that one.
I hope to see how this ripple in the story effects the dynamics of E/D going forward!
Jolanda Den Ouden chapter 4 . 9/27
thank you for another chapter!
It's an intriguing story and I'm looking forward to more!
Deanna27 chapter 4 . 9/27
yes, get Mama and Mrs Phillips on the case!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/27
I'm really glad that Lizzy can now finally see how lazy and irresponsible her father is. It's great that she can rely on her uncle
HarnGin chapter 4 . 9/27
Ah, Mr. Phillips knows his wife and sister-in-law well, doesn't he?

Thanks for the update. Stay safe!
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