Reviews for Wasp Nest
Nov1Z chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
Love it! Just like always!
Hkt29 chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Excellent point about the Chinese Government going after the Temple, is what any government would have done in that situation. As soon as the Temple reappared in canon Fu should have gone there to warn them.

A very open ending. With Hawkmoth figuring out Marinette's identity they should go and take her parents too.
Hkt29 chapter 2 . 12/9/2019
Agree with telling the real Guardians.
Hkt29 chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
Lol, very funny reaction. Let's hope that she also finds out that he is not in love with Kagami.
Nov1Z chapter 2 . 11/22/2019
Love it as always! Keep it up!
Shadow Stalker chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
I expect nothing of this show and I am still let down. LoveEater was not too bad but Miracle Queen was just boring and predictable. I read many theories that were better than what happened. The whole season was basically "filler" and in the last episode they try to create "hype" for the next season. To be honest, the end of season 2 felt more epic even though the Statu Quo remains. And what the hell are they trying to do with Chloe? Are they trying to subvert expectations or what? They obviously are not able to write an antihero. And this show doesn't need another Lila.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
I'm not sure Marinette would suspect Adrien of knowing she was Multimouse - as only Chat Noir knew that.

But you did bring up an important point - about his combined costume. I had noticed that he had to shout the kwami names to unite them and can't remember if Chat Noir had seen Luka transform. Would he know the name of the Kwami? That plus the costume plus a million things Ladybug is probably suppressing so she doesn't uncover his identity to protect Chat. Some point, she just can't deny it anymore. (And I agree, I too figure that being a guardian, she gets to make the rules now.) I mean, Chat thinking it's an elementary school when he's been there a dozen times? Marinette was playing along so no one had their miraculous taken away. Subconsciously, she must know he's lying like she lied.

I wonder if Season 4 will address that? That she's suppressing certain evidences and suspicions. Because I think half of the reason why, after all this time, Adrien is the only guy she has trouble confessing to is because deep down she knows he's Chat Noir. And as much as she would enjoy dating them, she can't because duty comes first. So she sabotages herself.
Nov1Z chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Dang it! I don't want this to be just a one-shot!
animegamefanatic chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
I HOPE chloe gets arrested; that girl CROSSED the line!