Reviews for Not Alone
DemeRain chapter 1 . 1/26
Thanks for sharing.
YouAreOneSillyGoose chapter 1 . 10/24/2019
Awww, this is so sweet and sad. I love the way you wrote Gil and Malcolm, it's perfect! Great writing, great job! I enjoyed reading this.
MissScorp chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Hi there! Man, that scene in this episode was just the death of all emotions. Some actors have just got the ability to make you cry when they cry. This was so raw a scene because the story kept setting up that his mother knew what was father was doing but hid it. Having that twist be that she thought he was simply having an affair was a punch to the gut for us and Malcolm. It showed how you can’t make assumptions without knowing all the facts.

I also understood why Gil left after giving him the tape (and we’ll roll with the VCR too because how many people do have one nowadays? LoL) but I really hoped we’d see he hadn’t left after all. I love that you capture their dynamic here in such a short piece. It’s so obvious that Gil has a paternal feeling towards Malcolm and stepped up to help him through what was a very hard time in a kid’s life. Their relationship is the opposite of his relationship with Dr. Whitley (refuse to consider him his father). Gil cares about Malcolm and wants what is best for him whereas Martin wants his son to become him (in my opinion).

Very lovely piece. Excellent job!