Reviews for The Nation of Vulpera
Byakugan789 chapter 3 . 8/23
Do you want a beta reader? Because, yeah, there's a lot. Fragmented sentences and punctuation mostly.
Byakugan789 chapter 2 . 8/22
That' incredibly simplistic and largely inaccurate portrayal of Illidan. Illidan left the Night Elf army because at the height of the battle, Malfurion allowed Tyrande to be captured by the Saytrs. Illidan felt he could save her and went to Azshara, offering to lead her to Neltharion's lair and claim the Dragon Soul in exchange for Tyrande's freedom and safety. Azshara agreed, and led him to the portal so he could explain the plan to the troops they would be gifting him for the effort. Looking into the portal, Sargeras burned out his eyes and empowered his arcane tattoos with fel fire, as a 'sign of good faith'. On the trip there, Illidan slew the demon General Azinoth for disobeying him and sealed the demons soul in his own war glaives. Using those same glaives, he claimed the Dragons Soul artifact and returned to the palace, where he intended to use the Dragons soul to rid the entire planet of demons in a single spell. Lots of things went wrong, but in the end, Illidan and Malfurion pulled off the spell, collapsing the well of eternity in the process. Then Deathwing came to reclaim the dragon soul artifact, and his fight for it caused half of the continent of Azeroth to sink beneath the waves, along with most of the night elf empire. Strangely though, none of this was Illidans "great betrayal". The "great betrayal" was that during the battle, he syphoned seven jars of water from the well of eternity and used two of them to create a new well in the lake atop mount Hyjal. Illidan did this because he knew that the Legion had not been defeated, and would one day return, and when that happened, the night elves would need the power of the well to push the legion back. For that, Malfurion betrayed his brother, imprisoning him beneath Hyjal for 10,000 years.

Azshara though, yeah, she was just a power hungry bitch. She felt that the world of eternity was filthy because it was used by so many commoners and she needed her own power source. Her chief advisor and researcher Xavius was ordered to research new methods of power so that she could have a pure source and be powerful enough to stand beside the likes of the Thunder King and Cenarius as an equal. What Xavius found, was the Twisting Nether, the elemental plane of Light, Void and Fel. He explored it's power for about a month before Sargeras found them. After that, it was all downhill from there. And Azshara, in typical fashion, decided that she had finally found someone powerful enough to make her feel like a real girl, and pledged herself to bringing Sargeras to Azeroth. She would give him the world, and he would be her lover.

That sure worked out well...
Byakugan789 chapter 1 . 8/22
Looks like an interesting start. You've got a bunch of punctuation problems though.
Mark the Mark chapter 16 . 8/18
i think they are going to the wrong continent!i wanted more foxy people!
JiggyliFAP chapter 4 . 7/23
As I'm still early on the chapters so I can't say much, but so far, world building and character building is bad and too rushed. The review that said the lore is correct is wrong, as Malfurion is AT LEAST 10 thousand years old and I don't if I remember it correctly but Malfurion slumbered for thousands of years if added together as he wasn't there during the war of the shifting sands which was 975 years before the opening of the dark portal.
blueinu chapter 16 . 7/14
I Love the story the lore was all correct. and the love of the elf duchess is not my cup of tea, but overall nice was hoping naruto would marry a troll princess or the princess of the Vulpine.
Mythic Imagination chapter 16 . 7/12
An incredible story with just as much originality to it. It’s amazing to see how much difference Naruto’s presence had impacted on the canon plots for creating a divergence. I can’t wait to read the next chapter, and hope you’re in good health.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5
The nation of cringe. Vulperas can off themselves.
Zeratul360 chapter 15 . 6/23
Your English is way better than many other fluent English speakers that have written fanfiction
s.k.f.f.f chapter 16 . 6/2
what does the fox say.. yip yip yip yip yip yip yip! the foxes are coming around.
vader634 chapter 16 . 5/26
does the troll get a blessing or something for the sacrifaces to naruto or the loa they think he is
Narctia chapter 16 . 5/24
I knew that the 'Vulpera' wouod come in to picture eventually but never wanted it, Can't you pull an AU and make them like Faunus with being all human with extra Animal parts and biology? Furries are going to be so damm annoying ugh.
Marcel17leon chapter 16 . 5/24
hola muchos gusto Lordearonman2, te escribo para decirte que no sabes cuanto ansiaba el ver si actualizabas esta historia de verdad es mi historia favorita de todo fanfiction de verdad la forma de como has podido crear una historia en mi opinión única es maravilloso me encanta, otra cosa en lo del emparejamiento de Naruto x Lyandra me gusta pero también me gusta las historia donde naruto tienen por que me mato de risa cuando pobre de Naruto se ve en el extremo receptor de la furia desatada de sus parejas cuando ellas están celosas por lo que por favor te pido que Naruto tenga un harem por fa es muy divertido verlo en esas situaciones por favor también puedo decirte nombres de posibles parejas como: Jaina, Onyxia, Shandris, Sylvanas, Vereesa es la hermana de Sylvanas, Maiev, Alexstrasza, Ysera. Por fa piénsalo si por favor por favor.
Jcjonesacp chapter 16 . 5/24
The Vulpera are here!
invoker26 chapter 14 . 5/24
Even if he is some peace junkie like a damn hippie I found this repetition is kind of annoying, yeah it's peace, horray! Lol.
But meah, I guess it can be entertaining seeing someone chasing fools dreams or errand. It's great story albeit the character are somewhat irritating
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