Reviews for It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
BazilFay chapter 13 . 7/28
I love this story so far! The three of them are so great together, please finish this story!
D.Mentor chapter 13 . 4/13
A great story so far, and a wonderful chapter. You've built the relationships very well. Thank you for writing.
Sagittarius no Liz chapter 13 . 2/6
SunshineMLB chapter 13 . 1/29
What a twisted jumbled up heartache inducing but very honest mess. Interesting take on this story going forward, I am looking forward to seeing where you will take these characters next!
Miss Bugaboo chapter 6 . 1/28
Okay, I need to stop here to tell you this.


There, I said it. It made me laugh and gasp, and shake my head at the absolute idiocy those two can present sometimes. Like, seriously, Gab? NOW is the time for talking to your son.

And NO, Adrien, doing what you did was NOT a good plan. Gosh, ironic as it is, he's actually lucky to be Hawkmoth's son after all.

Taking a bit of a break to study but I sure will come back soon!

Thank you so much for brightening my night with this!
Miss Bugaboo chapter 4 . 1/28
So I've just read four chapters in one go and boy, this is heavy. And sad. And it hurts.

Nonetheless, it's a gripping, wonderfully written and very powerful story, and judging by your other stories, I can only expect it to become even more thrilling. It's a blessing to have you in this community, you know that, right?

Anyway, the same story that is a distraction in my studies turned out to be a pretty good motivation for reading my textbook and still staying awake! So if all goes well, I may even finish it tonight...

...or tomorrow morning. It is almost midnight, after all.

Thank you again for sharing your talent with is! You're amazing!
Miss Bugaboo chapter 1 . 1/28
Oh my GOSH, I really shouldn't have started reading tgis fic on the night when I'm supposed to be studying. Because HECK, it's going to be so difficult to stop now! It's an amazing start and I'm very, very interested in what's going to happen next.

That being said, I can already see its one of the stories that take a hold of me from the start, one that is so gripping that it's hard to make the shortest pauses. And that means, there's a huge risk of breaking my rule and not commenting on every next chapter.

For that, I'm sorry. But know that it's because of how promising the story is, how good i expect it to be and not the other way round.

Alright pal, we're on. History of literature can wait.

This can't.

Guest chapter 13 . 1/11
Ah yes! Not usually a threesome fan, but you wrote it so well! Also, thank you for the Marigami content. I was really hoping for some of it in this story, and I think for this fic it works really well. I’m definitely hoping that Marigami is endgame for this fic, but whichever ship you decide this fic should go I’ll read it.
lonelybutterfly95 chapter 13 . 1/8
Just started last night and just caught up to latest chapter. And I got to say this has been a fun and agonizing journey. Loving Ch.13 omg! can't wait for more.
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 13 . 1/6
Good job keep it up
Sonata IX chapter 13 . 1/4
Well that took an odd twist. And OK but there was a time when I read a bunch of fics that used "you kissed me to prove a point?!" as the prompt so I got unnecessarily giggly around there.
ShazDogg chapter 13 . 1/3
Wow... I didn't expect that lol
but really loving it so far!
Arlnoff chapter 13 . 1/3
Me, reading the first two sections: "Y'all need to read more spicy literature"

Lol Nino, but it's marinette's best guess for sure

Ah excellent, I'm glad this is going where I thought it was. I was worried for a second that marinette/kagami might end up gal pals. I like your approach here, Kagami is definitely the type to both conceive of and follow through on this sort of plan. Especially since Marinette and Adrien are kinda hopeless. Honestly I'm not sure if any other character in the show would have the balls to try something like this- maybe Chloe, in very particular circumstances? And presumably not with Marinette (except in *exceedingly* particular circumstances)
Solomon07 chapter 13 . 1/3
...I'm pretty sure that's on everyone's minds. "NOW what?" Cause hell, unlike most, I find myself curious about how this whole thing will develop.

Nice chapter.
Arlnoff chapter 12 . 12/30/2019
Hahaaaaaaa the plot thicken indeed!
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