Reviews for Skywalker: Resurgent
Exivus chapter 11 . 7/25
Well, if it isn't the future Mrs Skywalker...
Drouppi chapter 11 . 7/25
So, I really don't get why Ahsoka won't play a part until later. There is literally NO way for her to ignore Obi-Wan coming back from the dead (as far asa I know, she didn't know he survived and hid) and someone called Luke SKYWALKER! Unless, of course, she is on a super duper secret mission she absolutely can't abandon. Which would be the only excuse I can think of (but still, in my opinion, just an excuse).
It's your choice to not include her until later, but I'd really like to see her sooner rather than later.

Anyway, another good chapter! Liked to see Mara this early. At first I was really surprised that he didn't see her as a force sensitive (when he checked the thugs), until I remembered that of course she could hide herself. (But I have to say you immediately gave away her identity when you called her beautiful with red hair :D)
metadork chapter 11 . 7/25
Hmm, so Luke 'meets' Mara Jade early, huh? That may have some really interesting consequences
Uday Sra chapter 11 . 7/25
Jacksonion Democracy chapter 11 . 7/25
Good stuff, the only thing about this new turn in the story is how MC didn't connect the dots with Mara Jade - a highly trained assassin who is practically one of the most iconic "sith" in the Empire vs Rebels era (to those who are interested in the SW universe beyond the movies) and she pops up everywhere basically (EU books mainly) and her number #1 description is "very pretty human female, red hair, green eyes". I could get that Luke was a bit drunk so he didn't really notice anything suspicious but you would think when he sobered up and all his knowledge about how twisty the force is and all of the dangerous characters roaming during this time period - he should have basically instantly put together this was Mara Jade after rolling it around in his head and even if she didnt know who he really was in reality, it would be safe for him to assume she does. This isn't really a biggie, just kinda out of character for someone who has been so cautious and careful with the force, Jedi arrogance, and dangerous Sith. TY 4 the chapter and I'm excited 4 more!
ThelonewolfNT chapter 11 . 7/24
I found out that the Venator from Star Wars was considered a sleek dagger less intimidating surgically strike "Jedi Criuser" Star Destroyer "Carrier".

Palps wanted to destroy anything Jedi related. Check out Generation tech videos on it.
Badgerfrog chapter 11 . 7/24
That's enough of a coincidence that I'd usually call bullshit for railroading, but given this is Star Wars I'll instead blame The Force.
red demon161 chapter 11 . 7/24
Great to see an update. I'm glad to see Luke unwind. That's something that doesn't pop up enough, even Jedi need breaks too. It was great to see Mara. The whole time from when she approached Luke until he woke up I thought she was there for Luke.

He was going to wake strapped to a chair facing imperial interrogators trying to convince them he's not a rebel but Lars Quell a simple spacer.

Those hairs she took are going to send alarm bell ringing. I wonder how Vader would react if the match shows Luke as a son of the late Senator Padme Amidala.
Greatazuredragon chapter 11 . 7/24
So bad bond girl has taken an interest on 'Clint Eastwood' huh? Luck's luck remains steady it seems. ;p
Nice chapter, good work.
Death Fury chapter 11 . 7/24
excellent chapter
HighFlyingWings chapter 11 . 7/24
To add to my previous comment, this meeting is actually a blessing in disguise. It was only a matter of time till they found about Luke. Due to Mara's vast underestimation and Vader's assessments, won't it be safe to assume that Palps and Vader will underestimate Luke? Regarding Luke's Power as well, shouldn't Luke be stronger than in canon? I am sure he had a lot of time improving after discussing people like Revan and Anakin in his visions. Yoda could also be brought in as well now to help the Alliance. Nice job! Eager for more, don't push yourself too much though and stay safe.
Ascandas chapter 11 . 7/24
Welp, i knew there was a reason for the foreboding feeling I had about “Arica”, who I am now certain is Mara Jade. Anyways, disregarding that Luke has goofed up, (not that we can really blame him, all of the events that led to unknowingly revealing himself to Mara were outside of his control and massive coincidences, that was some E-ranked luck crap right there.). This was an awesome chapter, I can’t wait to see how Mara or more importantly the Emperor will react to seeing a halfway genetic match between Padme Amidalla and general Anakin Skywalker.
Snoozzz chapter 11 . 7/24
Now you just need Rahm Kota, X2, and Kyle Katarn.
kano547 chapter 11 . 7/24
Um... If he's got all this EU knowledge in his head, how the hell does he not recognize Mara Jade when he see's her? And even if you say "Oh how is he supposed to recognize some random redhead as the Emperor's assassin?" he knows she exists and that should be enough for him to nope out of any kind of situation involving a human redhead just in case.
Poseidon93 chapter 11 . 7/24
great chapter!
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