Reviews for In which Everything Goes Wrong
Anne LM chapter 24 . 3/4
Enjoying this story. I like the double dilemma Harry’s in. First, he’s a Slytherin, and secondly, he’s actually not a first-year in his head, and he shouldn’t have all this knowledge...

But HOW does he become the next Dark Lord! I really can’t get my head around that one!
DS2010 chapter 24 . 2/26
Good place to think cleaning cauldrons.
DS2010 chapter 23 . 2/25
Poor Harry I feel for him.
olisully chapter 22 . 2/25
I'm in love and I want more but I know you're on multiple stories at the moment but I love it all
Sakura Lisel chapter 4 . 2/25
Wait... WHY did Harry need to be 'caught' by the muggle police? Especially if all he was doing was hanging out in the LIBRARY, doing what everybody who came there was doing and simply reading books, not bothering anybody, etc. Who even reported him being in the library to the police?

Plus because of the timeline of the story, wasn't this still the early 90s, back when kids Harrys age could FREELY go ANYWHERE they want WITHOUT every Tom, Dick, and Harriet tattling adults calling the police and CPS on them AND their families if they 'catch' a 'underaged' kid out on their own in public places without 'adult supervision'?
Sam Davenport chapter 20 . 2/20
Awesome story. Really enjoying it :).
Guest chapter 19 . 2/19
Write more, this is fascinating!
DS2010 chapter 19 . 2/18
Interesting punishment given out
DS2010 chapter 18 . 1/22
Now that was some good negotiations by Harry
Mrs Pumpkins chapter 18 . 1/22
I wonder how Harry will get from there to being the Dark Lord. And what will happen to Hermione then? Looking forward to the next chapter!
DS2010 chapter 17 . 1/16
Feel for Harry poor kid
Thundramon chapter 17 . 1/16
This story is wonderful, It really deserves more than the number of reviews, favs and follows it gets right now, at 10 times as much I would say
DS2010 chapter 16 . 1/15
Well played Harry
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 10 . 1/15
Fuck Hermione, utterly sick of her. She barges her way into every damn fic,
DS2010 chapter 12 . 1/14
Not surprised to see Harry wheeling and dealing
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