Reviews for A Friend in Need
RHJunior chapter 12 . 9/4
ACtually, the protectorate and new wave REFUSE to go head-on against the villains "to preserve the balance of power." which is bullshit, of course...

Don't detract a solution that hasn't even been tried.
Stereborg chapter 1 . 9/4
It has been a few months. Will this be actually dropped
BloodyOracle chapter 19 . 7/10
I'm disappointed that you're dropping this. Even if it did happen a while ago. However I don't understand why authors keep doing this because their character becomes too powerful. I think people fail to remember that shards can take over their hosts, and some shards have managed to contend with Scion himself, however shortly. There is no limit to the enemies you can create for the MC.

But what do I know, I haven't even read Worm. Thanks for the book, hope you update it soon!
Mastersgtjames chapter 3 . 6/9
can't get into the story, Author should do a rewrite so MC is not so useless.
FaeGhostReader chapter 19 . 5/18
If worst comes to worst there is always the option of a rewrite.
jlnorris75 chapter 19 . 2/4
It sad you have stopped this maybe a rewrite an leave out the power nulifier
Cheshirek3t chapter 9 . 1/26
Is it me or did militia just try to flirt with him?
Edocsiru chapter 2 . 12/28/2019
Talking to yourself out loud is in fact something completely healthy and normal, it helps your state of mind. Anyone calling that crazy is simply ignorant.
Edocsiru chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
oh god.. the old sleeping cliché.. Kid, there is a big difference between a vivid dream and reality, the first one being you DON'T question shit while dreaming. If you can ask yourself if you're dreaming, then you're not.
duskrider chapter 19 . 12/13/2019
Well who are the other characters involved. Has anyone from the gaming group come looking for the clearly op si at this time and place to try to get an ally. Are they avoiding the bay, heading towards it, or dead at this point in time. Heck I could see a enjoyable casual encounter between Taylor and Legacy in Civilian ID due to legacy meeting with the dock workers association ending up with him and his friends possibly meeting Danny at home or at a safe place to have a meeting over dinner.
Computerfreak CK chapter 19 . 12/11/2019
You could make Caleb's upgrade level off logarithmically. I.e. after some time upgrading the same power, the gains will diminish until they are vanishingly small.

This makes it impossible for him to become infinitely powerful. When he reaches that point on one power he needs to switch to upgrading another power.
Guest chapter 19 . 12/11/2019
I don't care about Scion, etc. Fix the city!
PasiveNox chapter 19 . 12/11/2019
hmmmmmm great
grimmouse197 chapter 19 . 12/11/2019
Perhaps do a journal entry style of writing?...then do a final 3 or 4 chapters finishing this story?
PasiveNox chapter 18 . 12/9/2019
Yeah great
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