Reviews for The One Where Phoebe Tells a Story
Lilkat1234 chapter 8 . 7/18
Chandler seems to end up in a lot of trouble... so does Pete, I visibly flinched at that image you painted for us. Eddie is as good company to Chandler as he is in the show and that made me laugh, nice use of both those unlikable characters.

I did love that Monica's most memorable day is with Chandler and his words that steered her to her career path. Wonderful!
Babatomyfriends chapter 8 . 7/17
Aw, poor Chandler again! I love how you got Eddie and Pete in here, especially Pete cracked me up - I'm sorry you killed him off though. Great chapter, I can't wait what else you will spring on us!
z.mahmoodkhani92 chapter 1 . 7/17
It was truly hillarious. I really liked when Eddie was doing 'operation' on chandler or when chandler introduced herself as Toby! Thank you for giving updates on this
Sadie chapter 7 . 5/19
Come on thats really great please finish it
Sadie chapter 5 . 5/18
Its hilarious ! Youre quite an author! Congratulations and thank u
sadie chapter 1 . 5/18
That was great ! i actually laughed several times it was hilarious ! thank you for your great job !
CamilleCM chapter 7 . 5/16
Even in other people's stories, Chandler gets physically abused haha! This was hilarious, the way you managed to get Monica to drop the sword on Chandler's feet was so funny! I kept saying: No you didn't dare... And the manure to replace the jellyfish peeing? So smart. I loved their bickering and of course, Nora's meddling. I love how in the fandom we all decided it's what she would do. The cutaways with present time still work marvelously. This is such a creative fun story, and every chapter is a wild, enjoyable ride.
Lilkat1234 chapter 7 . 5/15
Hahaha, so many great scenes from the show that made into their 16th century life. Even the subtle ones like Monica is stronger than Ross and the "fight" between the boys who's the best friend to each of them and Chandler's reaction when Monica talks about their future.
I love it when you solve mysteries we don't know, such as how Rachel got all her stuff to Monicas apartment and it makes so much sense. Of course Monica would grade her new roommates, haha.
Phoebes story is absolutely crazy funny and you weave in the canon storylines so perfectly it can only keep getting better and better.
Babatomyfriends chapter 7 . 5/14
Haha, so many canon lines and twists again, and so cleverly arranged that they always come so unexpected and surprising! Joey and his strip poker and Ross with his bigheadedness and excessive protectiveness while he is unable to even lift his sword really cracked me up. Aw, and poor Chandler, first the crap and then the toe accident. Really great update!
CamilleCM chapter 6 . 4/1
I love the hijinks of this story, it's really unpredictable. I love Nora's meddling leading to all of them going to London, and now I can't wait! The tension between Chandler and Monica is so fun in this, and the cutaways with 'real time' always provides great comedy.
Babatomyfriends chapter 6 . 3/24
So many fabulous ideas in this chapter! I love how you got Heckles in it, Chandler and Ross in a panic to avoid Janice, Ross and Rachel both jealous of the way Mondler made London all their own - so accurate! - and Joey's comments had me crack up every time. Now that they're all a team at last, I'm looking forward to how they will fare in London!
Lilkat1234 chapter 6 . 3/23
There were so many laugh out loud moments in this chapter, everything between Chandlers "British accent" to Joey hooking up with Chandlers mom.

Joey becoming an actor in this story makes sense and him wincing at the thought of wearing a dress. Haha. I loved Joeys train of thoughts that got him to justify him sleeping with Nora i the story, and Nora watching her son with Monica was fantastic.

I can't wait for their arrival in London and all the shenanigans they will come up with. And Mondler :)
Mondler2017 chapter 5 . 1/25
Goodbye and farewell Janice!
Awh that bathing bit was the cutest thing I've read all day. Keep going! Your doing great!
Lilkat1234 chapter 5 . 1/21
The titles makes the reading slightly easier even though the transitions between the different eras are easy to distinguish.

This is a really funny read, Ross and Rachel's heated discussions, Monica and Chandler's make out session. Even tough it's "just" a story, it evokes emotions from the real life situations and arguments that always linger in their minds. It just makes the six of them human and complex fellows. The time period is perfect for both relationships to be in a sensitive spot: post- Vegas. Where Monica and Chandler went through heaps of emotions to get where they are a this stage.

Chandler's inability to break up with Janice, ROSS ending up with her and Monica's relief that Chandler's "true love" isn't Janice despite the fact that it's only a story.

So the gang is off to London, I can't wait! :)
Babatomyfriends chapter 5 . 1/20
You're so welcome! It really looks so much better now. I love every part of this chapter, every shift seems more hilarious than the last one! Especially Chandler's bath and the callbacks to the bath episode and the one with the boobies, and how Monica and Chandler make up again (and out ...) and Janice grabbing Ross, and Jack's plans for Monica - it's shaping up to such a great story, I can't get enough of it!
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