Reviews for James Sirius Potter and the Time Travel Trope
angelmaebkempis29 chapter 10 . 6/17
update please
Violet Zabini chapter 2 . 5/12
This is brilliant! All the spelling is correct! (FINALLY!) Hmm? Oh, I'm definitely not internally cheering, nope! No way, I'm totally sane! *thinking-don't kid yourself* And I'm definitely not a Teddy Lupin fangirl!
Eva May Parker chapter 1 . 5/12
:) This is really good, I have to read more tomorrow! (My older sister wants me to get off her computer) (Hi, I haven't had a chance to read this, but I will do so on my actual account on my phone, and I hope she doesn't steal my computer while I'm asleep.) (Hi, just saying, I deny that I would, because why would a Slytherin need to do that?) (Okay, I'm sorry for making this so long, okay?- the (annoying) older sister).
Leahlilac208 chapter 10 . 5/8
I think that was amazing please please put an update I love this story and can’t wait to hear more
EdithLeStrange113 chapter 10 . 4/19
This was great. I'm so excited to read the rest of the chapters. Please, please update.
Gin110881 chapter 10 . 3/23
It's great to see another update. I love this idea and this story. Please, keep the chapters rolling... ;)
mwinter1 chapter 10 . 3/22
Awaiting more.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/2
Love it! Can't wait for more3
Adelina2004 chapter 9 . 1/7
This story is so good hope you update it soon I can’t wait to read what happens 3
keefsterforever122.x chapter 9 . 12/2/2019
Love this so much! Please do more!
mwinter1 chapter 9 . 12/2/2019
A lot of these stories kind of falter after they star. You had great momentum in the beginning. Keep it up. Good chapter. Awaiting more.
Gin110881 chapter 8 . 11/26/2019
Great little tale. I really like the idea, and your writing. I'm pretty curious if things will change a bit after the kids revealed bits about the future.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/16/2019
Cant Walt for the next chatter this is soooo good3
Kitten6168 chapter 8 . 11/17/2019
Thanks for the update. I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying what you have written so far and am curious to discover what happens next.

I just had one question, have you thought about how to deal with the future characters remembering what happened in the past? Time travel paradoxes can be tricky
Guest 1 chapter 7 . 11/4/2019
I don't mind the length of this chapter. In fact, I think it needed to be as long as it is. Feel a little sorry for Harry. I mean, the Weasley's brothers will be like, "You got our baby sister pregnant." I wonder however how much will change.
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