Reviews for Harry Kicks Ass (Literally)
tanzar81 chapter 49 . 7h
Ok so the Harry/Bella fight. I think you got carried away and missed something important. You made sure everyone knew that their could be absolutely no physical contact. Then you had Bella kick him in the ribs hard enough to break a rib. Ding ding the fight is over. Harry wins by her disqualification. The wards would fall and Harry's brother could stop him from removing the ring. This is a huge hole that can be easily filled. Please fill it.

I have enjoyed the story and want to thank you for sharing your unique twist on this world we all love and hate so much.
Fast Frank chapter 49 . 7/27
That was so very good.
Fast Frank chapter 48 . 7/27
That was intense!
Guest chapter 49 . 7/27
Your French was good! The secret with Google translate is to only ask for very short phrases and then ask it to translate it back into English! Merci beaucoup for a pair of very contrasting chapters. Ares scares me, but this is a magic world and I have faith...!
harmonyboy chapter 47 . 7/27
is it harmony pairing?
big bang chapter 8 . 7/26
geekymom chapter 49 . 7/27
Fantastic chapter!
Galagon17 chapter 49 . 7/27
I love it, these types of interactions are why I love this couple I find them ideal for each other, that's why I would like them to end up together, but it all depends on you as a writer to decide, continue please I will be waiting more.
mwinter1 chapter 49 . 7/27
Awaiting more.
jkarr chapter 49 . 7/27
this is a nice update.
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 47 . 7/23
Good chapter and interesting buildup to Harry's fight. Thanks for sharing!
Fast Frank chapter 47 . 7/20
Nanchih chapter 20 . 7/22
"Well, this a fun mess we have found ourselves in,..." Laurel and Hardy take-off? Looks like it to me!
Emdee chapter 47 . 7/22
Dude, "lightening" making lighter; "lightning" big electric bolt, usually followed by thunder

Like the plot, but that typo is driving me bug***k
Solus chapter 47 . 7/20
DAMN YOU, I'm getting seriously hooked on this.
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