Reviews for An Extraordinary Boy and His Son
supersaiyaman chapter 31 . 7/8
also it is refreshing too see a fanfict writer not stop in the middle of what he or she is writing about again great fanfict
supersaiyaman chapter 31 . 7/8
wow that seams like a weird place to end it what about gohan wishing dr gero away and the damage he has done. i hope you make a seq ell .defensively worth the read excellent fanfict. i defiantly will be adding this one too my collection of great fanfics too read loved every minute of it i am just sad its over keap up the good work. hope you write another one real soon.
supersaiyaman chapter 30 . 7/8
i am sorry that this fanfict is almost over i hope their is a seq ell in the works.
supersaiyaman chapter 28 . 7/8
i relly like the changes you made in the chapter great story keap up the great work.
supersaiyaman chapter 27 . 7/8
great chapter tou discribe thing so well and detailed your an excelent fanfct writer.i like were this storiy is going keap up the good work.
supersaiyaman chapter 26 . 7/8
i wonder why he calls him his father. to the best of my reading he never reveled that too him. anyway great chapter and great fighting scenes you are rely good at writing them congratulations
supersaiyaman chapter 25 . 7/8
that is goku for you not aware of politnes or how the world works.
supersaiyaman chapter 24 . 7/7
mabe wene if gohan meats kami he can hel gohan get back to his own time.
supersaiyaman chapter 22 . 7/7
what will gohan do now that he no longer will have the dragonballs to return him to his normal time.
supersaiyaman chapter 20 . 7/7
i wonder if goku will ever figure out that his best frind is actly his future father. i wonder if gohan will ever get rid of his guilt.
supersaiyaman chapter 19 . 7/7
so far gfohan bean very good at hiding his true fealings from goku but tan agan he is the hapies go luck kid i have ever red about.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/7
dr geros logic that gohan is easier to defeat in the past is is still stronger than dr gero.
supersaiyaman chapter 13 . 7/7
i wonder if goku will evently discover hoo gohan relly is.
supersaiyaman chapter 8 . 7/7
i hope that docter jero is gone althow i only know that the future him is gone.
supersaiyaman chapter 3 . 7/7
if i had to guess might it have bean piccolo that made the wish on the dragon balls.i think that because he cares about piccolo a great deal. while chichi loves him all she is interested in is making sure he studies so she would most likely have not made the wish.
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