Reviews for The Wretched (Crawl Home)
Katylar chapter 2 . 5/11
This story is very well-written, and heart-achingly bittersweet. I love it.
The Jingo chapter 2 . 4/22
Good fic
Guest chapter 2 . 4/12
Beautiful. I loved this
sasurina chapter 2 . 2/9
Wow. This story blew my mind. I honestly didn’t think a time travel fic could be this good. It is very well written - both the flow and emotions.
Only one question: I wonder where the Tifa of this world had gone when older Tifa replaced her?
Overall I’m absolutely in love with your story. Thank you for the delicious treat.
cherrrylipstickk chapter 2 . 1/21
this. was so good. i love the scenes you've added to slowly introduce the fact that Tifa doesn't hate his guts, and that they needed each other like they did. this was so wholesome and beautiful and you're a wonderdul author! thank you so much for this sweet fic.
Sak chapter 2 . 1/10
Maybe I'm tired but I couldn't follow every sentence . Had to reread some quite a few times... But hello. They love each other. They still spar, they still have fear of What could be. I loved it. Thank you! !
Sak chapter 1 . 1/10
Omg there's another chapter. Omg.
Also what happened to the original Tifa when Tifa came back in time? I'm so super duper excited to read chapter 2
Trance Sephiroth chapter 2 . 12/27/2019
Damn, this has got to be the most original time travel take I’ve ever seen in FF fan history. Keep on writing, you have a gift.
Abyssal Angel chapter 2 . 12/27/2019
Didn't think you could improve upon what you already had, but you proved me wrong, and I could not be happier for it. Thank you for writing this. :)
Frankokomando chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
I really enjoyed reading this!
Luti Uchiha chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
I wasn't expecting another chapter, it took me by surprise and you don't know how grateful I am. Seeing the vulnerability of both made my heart cry, seeing how they comforted each other made me drop a tear. thanks
Sak chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
I wanted to read something fun before sleeping...
Thoroughly enjoyed again. The feels
Trance Sephiroth chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
Good stuff! You always write the best stories and make them so grounded and believable. this scratched an itch I’ve had for a while, whew! Looking forward to your next one (as usual).
J1210 chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
Wow. This was really great! It was so well written.

I haven't really read fanfiction in years, but this story reminded me how great they can really be. I love the concept of Tifa going back to the past to try and change everything. There is just something about it that is so compelling. Its such a great idea, because it feels like it could actually work. Someone could really talk Sephiroth out of becoming the villain he was destined to become. No one better then Tifa.

I loved all of their interactions throughout the oneshot. The layers were there. Exploring each characters thoughts about the whole thing was fascinating.

You have my favorite! I look forward to more of your work.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2019
Tifa and seph have one of the most interesting back story's of the game. I'm really happy to see it being explored. This was fantastic and very believable. I can tell you worked hard!
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