Reviews for All I Ever Needed
Isaiah chapter 33 . 6/10
This has been a really good and interesting book most definitely I liked how u did this book it was quite interesting not to mention had u in suspense of what would happen next pretty much while I started reading this book from the very beginning the title and bit of description along with the first chapter it got me intrigued and interested in this book do hope that u could do a sequel ur book is really good and do wish to read more of it not to mention of course also maybe more of Dean Ambrose aka Jon Moxley would be good if u can do a different kind of book of him in WWE then going to AEW along with him meeting love of his life before he even went to the WWE either way also think it be good for u to publish ur books on Wattpad would love to read them on there to name on Wattpad is isaiah_97
Isaiah chapter 7 . 6/10
Definitely enjoy reading this book so far and as for how they met I'm gonna assume it was either during one of his matches when he was Jon Moxley and they ran into each other or they met by them meeting each other in a bar or something like that as for why they got together maybe he showed her that he loved her and was in love and she could give her heart to him or something that's what I think though
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 33 . 3/15
Keep Going
Georgia Ross chapter 33 . 3/9
It was beautiful.
jjd022980 chapter 33 . 3/8
Great ending! I loved this story from beginning to end! Can’t wait for the next one!
Lisee chapter 33 . 3/7
aww a perfect family reunited & just happy to end it.
mrs Tall Blonde and Dead chapter 33 . 3/7
Aww sad it’s over but loved it
jessica619 chapter 33 . 3/7
So good. loved this.
I will so be here if you decide on a sequel.
Rocki 1995 chapter 32 . 3/5
I'm just glad Ethan and her so-called father is out of the picture.
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 32 . 3/5
Keep Going
Charlotte chapter 32 . 3/3
Im glad they go homs happy and safe. I love how cute jagger is *sigh* wish it wasn't ending though

If Karen was played by an actress who would potray her? I try imagining her but sadly i can so please shed a bit of light on that ;-)
jessica619 chapter 32 . 3/2
Everyone is home, safe and happy. love it.
Jagger is a good big brother.
Awe she surprised him.
Jon did it, he is AEW champ!

very interested in any future stories you've got. you can count me as a reader.
kimberly316 chapter 32 . 3/2
Awesome story. My favourite story from my favourite author
Moxley Gal1 chapter 32 . 3/2
I love it can't wait for more.
Lisee chapter 32 . 3/2
I really dont want this to end, but I am looking forward to the roman one. I'm happy for jon! I think 2020 is most definitely moxley's year.
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