Reviews for Powers That Be
Luna chapter 15 . 8/7
SCP-106 is evil.
Luna chapter 14 . 8/7
Nice sheep.
Luna chapter 12 . 8/7
Carol is back home. But who is Carol?
Luna chapter 11 . 8/7
Luna chapter 9 . 8/7
I like songs and comics.
Midnight49 chapter 11 . 1/18
Ok so from what I understand from the Preliminary Reports are that from 1 to 11 it goes from the youngest to the oldest child. But yeah Leni is broken as hell, and yes I agree mayonnaise has already been proven to be an instrument from that guy on youtube, great video too.
Midnight49 chapter 8 . 1/18
So from what I understand is that Leni can summon things with her scatter like mind? And they show up? Or is there something I’m missing or not understanding here.
GennaiArakida-XIV chapter 39 . 12/11/2019
I was worried when the previous 2 chapters went off the edge, but, you brought it back with this battle. Cause who'd say not to Sonic Colors?

End Chris Chan before that Omnicidal Maniac enacts 'Scorched Earth' policy!
Mysterious Mr M chapter 34 . 12/6/2019
Liked this at first, but it quickly became a rabbit hole of nonsense and unfunny memes and material. There's no coherent rhyme or reason to anything, and now it's reading more like a desperate Pro-Trump narrative with memes as a cover than an actual story. This doesn't fit the Adventure/Supernatural category you labeled this with at all. It's more of a Supernatural/Parody than anything else, and that'd be fine if it were that from the get go and labeled as such, but it wasn't. That's misleading, and if there's one thing I hate being it's misled.

Sorry, but you've lost me.
Little Liar chapter 8 . 11/11/2019
It could be better.
FanBoy01 chapter 3 . 11/11/2019
Who is Doctor Sophia?
FanBoy01 chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
I love Lucy.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/8/2019
It's kind of stupid having Luna be lesbian and saying she was attracted to Hugh because of a peculiarity she's attracted mick swagger.
Unity123 chapter 2 . 11/5/2019
If there are two SCPs that I hope to see are SCP-001 Ouroboros and the Scarlet King.