Reviews for My Hero Academia: The Golden Light of Hamon
NibberWithAHardR chapter 2 . 7/3
Please update bro I'm so sad that this only has two chapters :'(
BukkakeNoJutsu chapter 2 . 6/12
This is great!
PEJP BengtZone V2 chapter 2 . 6/8
Neat work!
Will Izuku learn Karate in addition to Tai Chi?
PEJP BengtZone V2 chapter 1 . 6/7
I wonder what kind of plan you would have in store for Izuku later on.
Are you going to feature Chi manipulation, or perhaps figure out a way to give Izuku a Stand in addition to his Hamon?
Jthomajba chapter 2 . 5/29
Also hope to see some pillar men causing chaos for the hero!
Jthomajba chapter 1 . 5/29
I feel like he should upgrade to a stand.. since stand is the upgrade version of harmon.. also him having both would be sick
pupsicle chapter 2 . 5/21
This is good story that is executed very well! I look forward to the next chapters.
Ariastella chapter 2 . 5/6
I feel like Aikido would also be a damn good art for him to learn.
Also, is he ever gonna learn how Hamon affects life and organic material? It was probably the most fun aspect of Hamon. Also, the culture of the Hamon users was amazing!
a8 chapter 2 . 5/4
good story I would definitely want to read more about this.
I'mHalo chapter 2 . 4/21
I like this idea. Usually you see Izuku getting a stand so keep it up. Great work
theGuy696 chapter 2 . 4/21
Nice story, would like to see more
theface1357 chapter 2 . 4/8
I'm glad you are one of the people that realize how freaking awesome hamon is. it has so many uses outside of fighting undead. I can't wait to see where you go with this
Jack Kings chapter 2 . 3/10
I would definitely read more about this.
BrightWhiteNeon chapter 2 . 3/2
You should really have made Hamon a type of Martial Art. You're the Author, and you can make Izuku use it like Joseph Joestar who used Hamon without actually trained in Hamon. Don't forget that he's an intelligent kid. Just make him find out how to train his Hamon magically or something, or give him a Sage for a teacher maybe. Thinking about All for One taking his Quirk is unpleasant.
BrightWhiteNeon chapter 2 . 3/2
You should really have made Hamon a type of Martial Art. You're the Author, and you can make Izuku use it like Joseph Joestar who used Hamon without actually
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