Reviews for The Dragon Unleashed
Dovahkiin795 chapter 1 . 7/24
And now the long possible years of hiatuses begins. Hope everyone has the years of patience for this story to finish
SpyroFanForever chapter 1 . 5/8
Hey... When Tyrannica was using her element's, he said it created a "bright white brilliance" and "to balance out the destructiveness"? Does this mean that either a) Flash's element is a combonation of all the elements, or b) light attacks are the opposite to convexity?
jtdarkman chapter 3 . 3/30
Is it wrong that I think tyrannica is oddly hot...for a dragon probably is but that commanding sura and power kinda is hot...In a scared for your life so might as well enjoy th ed view b4 u die sorta way...ok any way glad your back so happy to see cyndet not denying her love for spyro and vice versa lol even Nexus is aware of it. Thanx for the ride thus far and please keep on writing and stay safe out here this virus ain't playing
Colrapture98 chapter 3 . 3/29
Finally some Spyro action and I have to say I cant wait to see what kind of training you have in store for him! Tyrannica is definitely doing a scary good job of pressing her advantage... at this rate idk how the dragons are going to keep up with the rate of attacks and damage she’s causing while still tending to the assault on Warfang. Good work and I’m excited for the next chapter, during this coronavirus lockdown and no job, I dont have much else to look forwards too so thanks for the upload :)
coincidencless chapter 3 . 3/29
What idiotic gene made it so that your brain’s ability to think rationally LITERALLY turns off during dreams? Awful stuff, especially with nightmares like Spyro’s.

Oh no, poor Volteer! An electric guardian without electricity.

Hmm, that is a strange thing with Spyro’s healing power. I wonder what’s powering it to make it act this way.

Uh oh. Spyro’s gonna start… slipping, I guess. Become less himself through Nexus’s training.

Tyra, if this is so important, one wonders you didn’t practice channeling those elements before putting them into the super-delicate crystal ring.

… oh. She’s trying to bring Ragnor in. That’d be… bad. Though I wonder, given Tyra’s obvious trauma and fear of Ragnor, how long it’ll be until she too tries to break his link over her like Spyro and Nexus did. And presumably Malefor did, given how he was able to go rogue too… man, Ragnor does NOT have good employee retention rates does he?

But yikes, now she’s going the mind-control route. Being able to bolster your forces by draining your enemy’s is… tricky like that. I eagerly await the next!
NomexGlove chapter 3 . 3/28
It's good to see that some of Spyro's uncharacteristic confusion in 'The Snare of Darkness' has abated and been replaced with new purpose. He really seems to be in the process of redefining himself.

That's so sad about Volteer! Poor dragon, always the most cheerful of the guardians a positive mindset is needed now more than ever with their stalwart leader gone. What will be left of the poor guy?

So the long build up to a new conflict begins early this time. With both sides already making preparations for the next fight, the tension begins to build already. I just feel worse and worse for those poor souls being controlled by those crystals.

Keep up the great work in these trying times!
Dovahkiin795 chapter 3 . 3/27
Oh man what a great chapter. I'm so glad for another one
SpyroFanForever chapter 3 . 3/27
Okay. This is amazing, but I have one question.
The way that Ragnor speaks about Nexus and Spyro, and Spyro in particular, he seems to almost have a bit of fear in his voice. If this is so, why would he create a dragon with the power to defeat him?
Arcantos the Storyteller chapter 3 . 3/27
Man, Ragnor is terrifying... it's doubtful that Spyro and Nexus could defeat him as they are, especially at this time. Yet, he doesn’t even need to fight them in order to win. He just needs to stall long enough for the summoning device to be crafted. Considering he can spy on the others whenever and however he pleases, he has information that Spyro and Nexus simply lack. The only weakness he has is that he has to work through Tyrannica at this time. Which is hardly a weakness, as she’s strong enough to face all of the Guardians, then Cynder, Spyro and Nexus all at once, and while Spyro and Nexus are going to get stronger. So is she most likely!

And the fact she can subvert others to her will is nightmarish, especially if there is no way to turn them back! ... Though I suspect one of our friends might be taken and converted, only for Spyro to find a way.

Talking of Spyro and Nexus, that was an incredible scene with them. Nexus reaching out and actually being a damn good brother to Spyro. Admittedly, it was a very harsh way of doing it, but Spyro needed Nexus’ steel at that moment. To shatter though his uncertainty, and give Spyro a path worth doing. I’m just not too sure if it’ll be good for his personality, especially as I don’t think his fight against Ragnor went too well in the last book... and well, not sure the others would like it either.
coincidencless chapter 2 . 3/21
It's good to see Cynder doing her best, it warms my heart to see her heart warmed by saving lives. Good thing that the rest of the gang is getting back up too!

Oh, don't worry about rust. If your artist skills are anything like your writing skills it'll be incredible.

I eagerly await the next!
coincidencless chapter 1 . 3/21
Somehow I didn't notice this story being posted. Weird. But I found it now and I'm lovin' it!

Your talent with descriptions really shines here. I know how badly Warfang was hit, I read the last story, but you really bring to life how bad it is. Especially with the line of reusing bandages.

I doubt Warfang will have anywhere close to the time it needs. One wonders how many more deaths dragons as a species can survive before there simply aren't enough of them to maintain genetic diversity...
Colrapture98 chapter 2 . 2/21
I look forward to seeing your art and have no doubt you’ll make something just as great as the last ones you’ve done. Also it maoes me glad to here you have plenty of material because you cam always iron out the sequence of events but running out of ideas is a sign of burnout and i will see the end of this story! No matter how long it takes so good luck figuring it out and until next time, thanks for the update and loving the story already!
Dovahkiin795 chapter 2 . 2/14
Take your time my friend. Just don't take seven years to finish uploading the story. CoughSnareofDarknesscough
Zaezul chapter 1 . 2/13
Always a joy to see you posting again, I'm always ready for more as soon as I finish a chapter D: It seems that you're pretty determined in finishing the story and for that I'm very grateful, it's been a pleasure! :)
NomexGlove chapter 2 . 2/13
Every time I see a new notification that you have posted something, I gotta tell you it brings a genuine smile to my face.

I found two things really touching in this latest addition.

One, was the look inside Cynder's head in the aftermath of this disaster. I cannot imagine what might go through the head of someone who was brainwashed and enslaved in order to create chaos on an equivalent level to what she was helping to assist with. But I think you did a really good job at showing how heavily her past weighs on her, her survivor's guilt, and how it may be a factor in how hard she pushes herself.

The second was that scene with the mother found in the rubble reaching out for her child. Really plucks at one's heart strings to think that she was buried alive with her child next to her, not knowing if he was even alive anymore after going still. I am a little surprised that there isn't more of a push to work around the clock to find survivors. The clock is ticking, and wounded won't last long without water. Just think of their horror if they found a body trapped in debris with scratches in the ruins around them where they had tried to free themselves only to succumb to injury days after they were trapped.

Even though the plot really didn't advance in this chapter, it was still great to see a little bit more of the details in how you had your characters cope and recover from the battle. The only thing that felt a tad out of place was the exchange about Voltra. I could be splitting fine hairs about it, but to me it felt artificial for some reason.

Question for you though, if you don't mind. When you research a topic to make sure you represent it accurately in the story, how much time do you allocate for yourself to do it? Do you research only as far as you need to get the wording correct, or do you typically go much further like you did in the instance with hydrating an unconscious patient?

Great Stuff though as always! Can't wait to see where it goes from here!
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