Reviews for Headmaster's Wife
koopleekiddo chapter 10 . 7/6
The supposed Brightest Witch opts for aggressive and willful stupidity while actively ignoring her husband's voluntarily given unbreakable vow, his sword-delivering Patronus, his failure to interrogate her about Potter's whereabouts or WTF they were doing on the run, his failure to force her to have sex despite his detailed explanation as to why not having sex could get them both killed, his suspicious conversations with Dumbledore, his rapport w/ Dumbledore's portrait, and him flat out begging her to see the truth... and she can't even cough up an apology? I was really hoping Sev was gonna make her work for it...
Mari Sofia chapter 13 . 4/15
Nice fic, this one as well. I loved the final twist afout who the past-visiting Severus really was, totally didn't see it coming but it was just what the story needed.
hiei29 chapter 13 . 3/5
Snape is OOC. As if he is just any other male heroine.
Bluwildflower7 chapter 3 . 2/20
Hmm.. I seriously love your style of writing. And the lemons are very nice.
Worthy read for mature.
But.. I gotta stop here as it all seems a bit unrealistic.. I found it unrealistic at the very beginning as my Snape, the one that I have in my mind after reading 1000 of Snape fics wouldn’t do these things.. and I might be a bit too impatient. But this just ain’t for me, it seems based very heavy on the lemons..

But definitely worth a read for lemon lovers. And Ron and Harry are adorable.

Bluwildflower7 chapter 1 . 2/20
Good grammar.
Thought at first this story was only made for the sake of the lemon idea.
Good lemons I must say.
I prefer the lemonade to tequila. Lol.
But I feel like there’s more to this than meets the eye.. so I’ll read on.
anon chapter 6 . 2/19
You gave the baby the initials "ASS," ha ha. Were you aware of that?
anon chapter 3 . 2/18
You should use a beta-reader.
Roamingkiwi chapter 13 . 2/17
That was a great story. Thanks for writing it.
TomRiddlesTwin chapter 1 . 2/12
Great read!
jessiy chapter 1 . 2/3
This was a really enjoyable read and once I started, I couldn't put it down until it was finished.
TillyRosie chapter 13 . 2/2
Loved this story and such a cute ending:)
SWSW2 chapter 13 . 2/2
Really great story, but a little too explicit for me...
Tater-K chapter 13 . 1/30
Loved it!
Rav3nsRemorse chapter 13 . 1/28
Loved it!
Smithback chapter 13 . 1/26
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