Reviews for Darklord
kirito emiya chapter 3 . 8/29
More please
Allhailthesith chapter 3 . 1/5
The One True Demon Lord chapter 3 . 1/4
Interesting...just found this story
Is this going to be like the novels and anime? Or will it have more gamer like elements like your other story? Im good either way just curious. If you decide to include it. You could have him find in setting an on/off switch for the system

What kind of heteromorph is he? Or will that be a plot point of some kind?

If he is immortal like Ainz, then he should snatch Evileye for his harem. The poor girl needs a real partner instead of hero worship. If not then she could make him a vampire insert race here. Probably would provide some great racial advantages
fuckyousao chapter 3 . 1/4
well this is a skip for me
Mista G chapter 1 . 1/3
Awesome. A Tarasque seems cool. But doesn't it hurt to sir between all the spikes on its turtle shell? Also, I'm hoping this will be an Arche x OC pairing. :P
She needs loooove in her life. XD
GT Porter chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
OP character check, badass gild base check, obedient followers that see him as a living god check. A plot device with an on/off switch! Ok, you have my attention.