Reviews for Shattered Songs of Faith
Cavik chapter 11 . 9/23
Anyone who can put the fear of his life into Count Varley with nothing but words immediately gets my seal of approval. Good job, Florencio.

Also, MPD *gulp*
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 35 . 9/17
Ok. You have addressed her name. Good. My comment earlier in the story happened when I forgot that your story predates the DLC... hah.
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 20 . 9/15
cousin huh?
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 18 . 9/15
Beleth is Byleth's uncle in this story? neat.
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 5 . 9/14
so everything you've written about her Mom is accurate except her name...
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 5 . 9/14
Haven't read chapter yet but... Byleth's Mom's name is Sitri and she is in the DLC... also her image is on the wiki. Great story by the way.
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 3 . 9/14
Huh...Florencio is becoming a character that I enjoy reading about...
Cavik chapter 5 . 9/12
Careful Arisa. Glenn might decide to challenge you to a duel to see who's the better older sibling *smug smile*
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11
Needs more reviews
Argo Devilian chapter 16 . 9/4
I'm still in the process of reading this, but so far it's a pretty interesting story. it has a lot of moving parts which kind of make it difficult to keep up (especially the names. oh god the names), but you get used to it.
There is a LOT of errors though in grammar and spelling. i don't know if it improves later on but I do hope you use some sort of checker for this at the very least. and possibly a reWrite of the previous chapters to fix their mistakes?
Cavik chapter 3 . 9/4
So what I'm understanding from this is that the original members of Jeralt's merc group were other former members of Garreg March's personnel who received the Crest of Seiros from Rhea? Interesting, very interesting.
ShadowWolf223 chapter 62 . 7/24
Oh dear. There are rough times ahead for all of them.
DKLunaSlar-9-E chapter 61 . 7/20
I wonder what will the special chapter be? Anyways, I'm more intrigued to the story as tohow everything come into place. Lastly, F %$ U CORNELIA U STUPID B$!#! I don't want her to get Arisa. Arisa is kind of like my OC, but different.
Blaze2121 chapter 61 . 7/19
That was epic and I saw that reference rule breaker I’m sure a certain king would love that. So Arisa has accepted the fact she may have to kill her students in the future. Sad but there’s no way to save everyone some characters are loyal to the end to their faction unless she makes everyone unite by going full take over the world mode like a certain protagonist did which would be interesting to see. Can’t wait for the mid climax of the story before 5 year time skip which to me has be when we get to Jeralt dying but still curious how you’ll deal with that in fact it’s strange that it hasn’t been brought up once these last few chapters huh.
ShadowWolf223 chapter 55 . 6/25
Pittacus is creepy, and Alexandra is kick ass.
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