Reviews for Reacting to COG
jaydengrayodd chapter 11 . 6/22
Great Chapter, I loved it.
megSUPERFAN chapter 11 . 6/22
Newtinaaaa yessss :D And poor, poor Credence and Leta... Professor Hicks is going to be in the third movie, have you heard? I don't know what subject she teaches- is it Potions or did you just guess when you were writing this? Either way, great chapter and great reactions!
kirstywilson2004 chapter 10 . 5/25
please update soon i want to see every ones reaction when credence gets a wand and how powerful he is
Guest chapter 10 . 5/10
Please Update Soon!
Sofie Stark 4 chapter 1 . 4/15
Can't wait for the update
Love the story
megSUPERFAN chapter 10 . 4/3
Salamanders are coming up! I can't wait!
I love the intensity in this chapter, bits of humor and Jakweenie too! Nice job!
Guest chapter 9 . 3/31
I love.
Guest1234567890 chapter 9 . 3/21
Hi, I wanted to ask if you have a specific time to upload a new chapter (like once a week or once month, sort of like that)? Also, I had a request, if you could add the original Percival Graves into the story...? It's fine if you don't want to Really love your stories, looking forward to the next chapter
megSUPERFAN chapter 9 . 3/21
Good chapter! :) I love how the Muggles in the audience got to see Hogwarts, and I like seeing everyone's confusion about Leta's and Dumbledore's pasts.
megSUPERFAN chapter 8 . 2/4
I'll be looking forward to more chapters in the future! Until then, have a good break! :D
Cat26 chapter 7 . 1/20
Plz plz update I love this story
Guest chapter 3 . 12/16/2019
The story is good, but since it has the copied excerpts from the "Crimes of Grindelwald" original screenplay, it breaks the following part of the Content Guidelines:

Actions not allowed:
3. Copying from a previously published work (including musical lyrics) not in the public domain.

Please remove all of the direct dialogue from the book and make the story so that the characters react to the movie without using direct dialogue from the book.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/11/2019
keep it up and update soon
Guest chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
Please Update Soon!
megSUPERFAN chapter 7 . 12/9/2019
I absolutely love the Zouwu scene, and Newt blushing is just THE CUTEST. :D
A little suggestion for upcoming chapters- try and include more reaction than screenplay. But I still really like this story!
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