Reviews for Take Him
Midnite Girl chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
An omission here, if Harry was crying upstairs, how could Proffesor Mcgonagall walk over pick up Harry, if she didn't mount any stairs?
SuperBossy chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
Cute story. If you were to expand this, you'd need to rewrite it, detailing how Harry met Sirius and Remus, as well as Ron and Hermione's relationship. Good luck.
feliciajpg chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
You should definitely expand in a multi chapter story. Totally loved this story
alix33 chapter 1 . 11/19/2019
Dumbles originally thought it wise to leave Harry with the Dursleys and us readers all jsut read how that turned out. If I were Minerva McGonagall there's no way in Hades Dumbles would be my choice as babysitter for Harry even for just a couple of hours. Even an overburdened Molly Weasley would IMO have been a better choice.
"high-pitched" should be hyphenated.
Did you mean "the Weasleys had helped"?
DS2010 chapter 1 . 11/19/2019
Awe that was so sweet