Reviews for Loyaulte Me Lie
Jennie chapter 8 . 6/19
I'm really enjoying this! Thanks for writing. I like how you've delved into what happened to Hermione's parents and linked it with Lily. And Andromeda is really interesting too. Man, I am both dreading and looking forwards to that Sunday dinner... Lovely fic, looking forwards to more!
agnar chapter 5 . 6/19
you lost me with giving petunia ANY valid reason, AT ALL for her dislike/hatred of Lily. She didn't need to be a saint, but you basically made her a monster
wolfstars chapter 5 . 5/10
Honestly not a big fan of the Lily and Hermione parallels. For too long now James/Lily and Lily & Ginny similarities have been used by the fandom as a crutch to support the Ginny/Harry pairing, to give it the narrative precedent that it lacked In the text. The whole concept of parallels and similarities between characters to support a ship is just stale and uninteresting. The Lily using a memory charm parallel seems forced and unconvincing here and used in a similar vein as the Lily & Ginny comparisons
Yaw6113 chapter 8 . 5/4
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
AnAddictedReader chapter 8 . 5/1
Ooh, I like how this is going. Mama Andi, Harry & Hermione, and their son, Teddy. Of course, this could be like after all the angst.
Vaneesa85 chapter 8 . 4/14
Loving it please continue
viola1701e chapter 8 . 4/10
A trip to Australia to find her parents sounds like a good idea.
pawsrule chapter 8 . 4/9
Great update! Can’t wait to see Ron’s proposal
phoenix-rob chapter 8 . 4/9
thank you
George Cristian810 chapter 8 . 4/9
This chapter took the cake in ooc . Transiguration isnt permanent and if hermione wanted to get her parents back how could she declare them dead ? And how about all the papers and records you need in the muggle world , how did hermione get those ? Plus harry situation is a ooc as hermione parents . I am out .
jkarr chapter 8 . 4/8
nice update
mwinter1 chapter 8 . 4/8
Awaiting more.
pawsrule chapter 7 . 4/7
Awesome chapter! Can’t wait to read what happens next.
M.J.Harmony chapter 7 . 4/7
I LOVE this already! I'm currently posting my first harmony fic myself and this outshines it in 7 chapters! Not one error by God! Do you have a secret?

You have to have written other stuff before surely?
Jarno chapter 5 . 4/6
It's an interesting story though I must say I'm not really a fan of Flitwick in this chapter. To me he comes over as an adolescent, instead of a well respected and adult charms master. Flitwick kept focusing on the problem, he kept focusing on condemning Hermione. These are the actions of an adolescent. A well adjusted adult focuses on the solution. After all, Hermione's parents are already spelled at that point so all his talk at that point is just that, useless talk.

And yes, I've also felt that the similarities between Lily and Hermione are far bigger than those between Lily and Ginny. Personally I've alsways felt that Rowling had decided one big happy weasley family from the start. But then her characters developed in a way she did not expect but also her audience grew up. The one big happy Weasley family is a fairy tale ending. But the people that were children when the first book came out, were adults by the time the series were finished. Adults that had had their own relationships, that had their own relationship problems, some of which even already had children of their own. The fairy tale ending did not fit the real world, to an adult who had gone through their own relationships, Ron/Hermione simply had to many faults to work. Something Rowling even admitted after some years. Which is also the reason why the Harry/Hermione fanbase is generally older than the one big happy Weasley family fanfbase.
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