Reviews for About A Boy
Guest chapter 35 . 10/22
Hope to read more soon
Guest chapter 35 . 10/18
Great story! Any chance of another faster update?
MidLifeWriter chapter 35 . 10/16
It is interesting reading the contrast in the child/parent relationships. Logan, who practically had no relationship with his father, coming together, while Lorelai and Rory's relationship coming apart. It seems from chapter one that Rory and Lorelai are back in the same wavelength, I look forward to seeing how that goes.

Why am I anticipating a screaming match in Vancouver?
Guest chapter 35 . 10/16
Can’t wait to read about Vancouver island
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14
Can’t stop reading. Patiently waiting for next chapter
Kazza65 chapter 35 . 10/12
Wow! What a heartfelt chapter full of emotions and shock or awe? Something. Well its obvious tornado Lorelai has hit Seattle and burst that lovely bubble L&R had going - well to a degree.
First and foremost my condolences :'(
Besides mommy Rory really needs a bff to help her cope internally and Logan needs his mates and Ben I reckon. Its an emotional time, so hopefully after their little trip to Vancouver Island to mourn or regroup.
That must have been a big blow to Lorelai's mother status, not knowing, Rory wanting her other L.
Lorelai saw first hand how Logan treats and cares for Rory and she still came at him? That was cruel and Nasty. My heart hurt when he was ranting about what Rory needed before he left for NY. I was in tears. And those lines ... "tell me not to go..." ugh! I was a mess with this chapter.
Loved father and son interaction " okay son? No and as many minutes as you need" I'm crying again
What would Aaron Rose do now? Yes the burger lol! Its like the baton has exchanged hands to Mitchum. Lol! Macca's and don't tell Honor or his Mother (funny). Their conversation was nicely written it seems they are in a good place - their star boy is growing up so to speak.
The two L's conversation and how it ended was a shocker to me. I was pissed at her for her judgemental words but proud of Logan for taking a stand then being a gentleman. "...I'm all in" with her and the kid music to my ears. Lorelai is all about her and her expectations of Rory and Rory defying those expectations which rubs her the wrong way. Logan was right about L, she should be acting more like a mother.
Umm they are going out of course he has a key - duh! Soz :) Thanks Rory for putting her in her place.
No regrets what's done is done at least Lorelai got a doze of what United front this couple have. Vancouver Island sounds like a brilliant idea. I rant to much sorry fellow readers.
P.s. I hope the next 18 months or so fly by quickly ;)
Kazza65 chapter 34 . 10/12
Phew! he took it well and the kiss just sealed it for me - yes Cher is never wrong. Damn romantic. It was appropriate but I felt like that's something he and C shared but anywho.
Glad Thursday night dinner at Ben & Priz will include Rory...Yayyy.
Wondered when Lorelai would be mentioned. This would be a big test for Logan and Rory at the star thingy with all eyes on them. Loving that Rogan are spending lots of time together and comfortable.
Logan always caring with decaf and food. Lol! Hostage act on the sex but the spotting doesn't sound good. Saw it coming but still sad. Hope they can withstand this. How are the two L's going to be? Can't wait.
Insightful on C and her ode to logan in the Sonnet room.
P.s. I wrote my review's when I read the chapters but somehow they weren't posted back then. Annoying:(
Kazza65 chapter 33 . 10/12
Another great chapter. Nice Logan told Aaron:) C always fishing. Lol about Rory braless. Nice touch with their little picnic and banter, seems like his giving her a bit of control with some decisions. I know Rory feels weird when it comes to money but I like Logan's idea of a baby account. Wow! She said it out loud, now the girls must know its serious. Ben is not wrong, Rory basically wants Logan to publicly pee on her so to speak (hehehe) and Logan is content to just be them.
Love their conversation about the Huntzberger obligation and what NY entails - "we" cross that get a say. Yes! Ace of spades - nice way to bring into the story, hope he gets to use it often now. Everything serious is always on the floor :D YIKES she said the 3 words, 8 letters - darn what cliffhanger.
ReadAndLive chapter 35 . 10/11
The great upside to not reading the last couple chapters is a hugely satisfying binge session rereading the last one plus two new ones. So much story in these. The circumstances are tough, but I’m loving that they are opening up a bit more and showing how much they care for (gulp, love!) each other. The Cher reference was perfect. Maybe when they get pregnant again, it’s in the bedroom not a doctor’s office. Love the Chelsea flashback. Maybe Lorelai is so hesitant about Logan because she saw how crushed C was, even though the circumstances were different, she worries for Rory. And a bit of her not addressing her own relationship issues.

Favorite scenes... I think when you weave in the show dialogue, because it’s a nod to the series. I also really liked the taking Rory home from the bar and she wears his socks scene. And the bar scene where she crashes his bad date. Looking forward to reading some new favorite scenes in upcoming chapters!
Guest chapter 35 . 10/11
Pure gold! My favorite scene was the gas station tango
lucylulu chapter 35 . 10/11
such a great chapter
losing their baby so bad for both of them.
Loved all the interactions
and can't wait for more, update soon
bbscotch08 chapter 35 . 10/11
Aw Rory, beautiful chapter. So sad about their baby, thanks so much for the update
ecsgg chapter 35 . 10/10
Such an emotional chapter. I hope it will bring them together for real. One of my favorite parts of the story was their time in London together, but honestly, it’s hard to name just one. Please update soon.
Rori Potter chapter 35 . 10/10
Oh wow. Amazing. Update soon.
Guest chapter 35 . 10/10
Another great chapter, thanks for the quick update. There are a lot of memorable moments, the trip to the island is probably one that will last longer, all the thinking Logan put to surprise Rory. I hope Lorelei comes to her senses and realizes that she has a relationship to mend too.
Take care! thanks for posting :)
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