Reviews for Attraction
BashKetchup chapter 10 . 3/10
I really like this. I hope there will be more. It's really cool to see Yang actually interact with Ruby (unlike the show) and have her character more developed. I really hope to see more.
seanfergus516 chapter 4 . 2/15
why is better than the actual show it self or the episode at least
Amidamaru88 chapter 3 . 1/10
- so Ruby more or less got punched in the emotional stamch here, while her teammates tried to comfort her I don't think Ruby believed it
- did Yang give Blake any sort of look when brushing her hand off? it seems a bit rude
- great interaction with Weiss, she certainly feels like her canon self
- you're starting to make Blake seem a bit like villain, she's trying to reach out to her partner and someone for whom she seems to have some interest in, a first time for her, she's probably trying to find out what happened to Yang and why she keep getting shut down so hard
- even Weiss seems to realize that something is off though she probably thinks it that Yang wants to spend more time with her sister and uncle, maybe we can see someone else's POV and find out how they see things from the outside
- huh so Yang is starting to see other people as competition while others are rooting for Rose Garden, sadly the new wardrobe don't make him that different from Ozpin, I can't remember however did he adopt a different color theme in his other lifes?
- some good interactions in the later half, between Weiss and Yang and the group in general, I like how unlike some other fics you're characters actually have different opinions on how to deal with things, Weiss's issues come to mind and how she doesn't immediatly agree that it's the better way, sadly I think Blake, Ren and Nora are getting the short end of the stick, I liked their small interaction at the inital meet up
- there's a lot to unpack towards the end of chapter, Yang finding herself agreeing with Qrow even if she doesn't like him at the moment, Weiss siding with her and her not instantly agreeing with her potential love interest, while in other fics they always seem to agree with one another, people don't work that way, while we may end up agreeing with family, we usually have our reasons and discuss them later on
Amidamaru88 chapter 2 . 1/10
- well done with the meet up scene, it helped expand a bit on what was seen in the show
- ah and now we see some more exploration mixed with some world building, Yang's having some hard time looking at Ruby these days and is probably asking how much is it worrying about her sister on the tramline and how much is something else
- walking to the tram and after that, where was Blake was she just giving Yang some space or ?
- and Yang is still struggling with these new feelings and is finding out that every interaction now causes some new problems
- where is dear old granny reaper? we haven't heard anything from her lately
- hmm doesn't Yang give a proverbial shit about Qrow? I figured she would want to make sure that he is felling well rather then letting him sink further into his depression, I can understand that she is angry however he isn't as guilty as she seems to think, I guess that he's an easier target for her, it's something I disliked in the show, hmm don't get me started about the farm where Yang seems to have placed Blake above her sister, Weiss and her drunk and depressed uncle
- I really hope letting Qrow get drunk won't cause more problems down the line, maybe having family near him would have helped his mental health
- I loved the ending scene between the two, those small interactions and gestures, helping to show Yang's worries about Ruby while also tieing her other reasons together so that she can't separete them herself :)
Amidamaru88 chapter 1 . 1/10
- this is filth, so like Ruby I'm going to read it so I can bitch about it
- I'm curious as to what you were trying to set up at the start with Yang not realizing that it was Ruby's voice she was hearing
- the descriptions are great, showing off small things like her moving a lock of her hair
- hmm so Bmb is sunked early on because of what is most likely an unintended word? Blake was probably trying to be nice about even the strongest people needing help from time to time, however she might be seening more of Adam in Yang which would piss the later off as how she could view it as her partner not knowing her well
- well damn, well said by Qrow they do have a passing resemblence don't they? I noticed this before and was curious as to how many people just outright ignore that part
- good job with Yang's internal thoughts when she realizes this, punching things would work
- when did Ruby run away all the time? she left Yang howevet that was months after Beacon fell and the two had time to spend together and even then it was because she wanted to help people and stop another tragedy, luck they were training to do...Summer left on missions to help people and fight grimm she didn't run away just feels odd to write such a thing
- ...did Yang use a move of her dad's when hugging Ruby in the woods?
- the freezerburn fan in me would have liked to see her putting the moves on Weiss but alas
- ...yes Yang I think stepmoms count as well, especially as for a part of her life she thought that Summer was her mom
- poor Blake she's trying to put moves on her or trying to reach out and see where the whole thing is going only to be shot down for no reason
- loved the dialogue and description during their second meeting in the woods, the nose pinching and other stuff makes them feel more alive, kudos for Ruby realizing the similarities between the two, hmm, the dialogue between the two flowed well and they sounded distinct which isn't always easy, loved that bit at the end, for Ruby it has one meaning while her Yang it's completly different, hmmm, I'm curious as to what Yang likes about her ? what made the spark ignite, you wrote about how similar she is to Summer is that all? because the sudden interest would merrit a bit more exploration or was it something that existed before at some level?
Heavyarms150 chapter 8 . 1/8
My only questipn where incest is concerned is when its acceptable to date and sleep with family then what is the difference between them and any other person? Shared blood? Genetics?
Heavyarms150 chapter 2 . 1/8
One thing i notice in almost every enabler fic is yang asserting her dominance and trying to take almost all choice away from ruby. Whether by force or some other way.
Simply Anonymous chapter 8 . 1/2
Wow... I loved this... I absolutely loved this, the tension, the characterization, all of it... Very well done take on a obscure taboo ship and it cucks out Bumblebee in the process? Even better... I just hope that, depending on whatever you decide to do next when and if you get to the smut part of this story you reward all of the build up and tension you've created with a truly kinky piece, cause as it stands right now the only way the momentum could fall off would be if you kept it particularly vanilla, you know just awkward touching and fingering and stuff... If I may and if you'd be willing could I request some "mutually interested" butt/crotch worship between the two? (However far you'd be willing to go with that, I,E penetration/licking/smelling/squeezing) It'd fall in line with the sodomizing tone incest usually carries with it and add a level of "ickyness" to it all that'd be appropriate, you know, just have them perv out~ Face sitting, musk fetish, etc.

I'll be adding this story to my favorites so that I can keep up with this, I hope you'll update soon and I hope you'll give my request a thought~ If that's not a route you'd be willing to go though i'd understand, keep up the good work.
buildlancer chapter 8 . 1/3
So now that enabler has been established will yang stick with ruby and try to smooth things over with blake or will she get a harem with blake and ruby?
Alucard45 chapter 8 . 1/2
Oh yeah. Give me that enabler goodness
Earthly Entity chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
More pwease
aratakasugatrinity7 chapter 7 . 12/24/2019
This is soooo cute so far!
Alucard45 chapter 7 . 12/23/2019
Oh the sweet sweet enabler drama
Alucard45 chapter 5 . 12/1/2019
Uh enabler. Such a rare tread. And not porn on top. Colour me intrigued. I do enjoy the little changes. Poor Ruby needed a break in v6
SeanHicks4 chapter 5 . 12/1/2019
Interesting take, looking forward to seeing some more. Just curious about where the old blind lady is during all this...
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