Reviews for Eldritch
cukr chapter 2 . 4/19
One of the best UlquiHime fanfics I have read. Thank you so much, I loved it!
Averyz14 chapter 2 . 4/10
It's so perfect! One of the best Ulquihime stories ive read. Thank you!
Hokey chapter 2 . 2/25
Aaah, I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thank you for writing this lovely story - the premise and your writing really drew me in.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/25/2019
I really love the spin you put on the characters! The idea with him having to obtain body parts was very intriguing
LimitedEternity chapter 2 . 12/17/2019
Fantastic! You do dark romance so well, when I realized how he was getting his parts it was fascinating and terrifying in equal parts. I enjoyed that he learned things outside of Orihime and that he had a sense of self that we closely related to, yet still separate from her. As soon as Ulqi wanted to be truly seen by her I knew this was going somewhere extra good and I was so right. You really did this pairing justice, now I'm craving more and might go dig up some other stores for the first time in a while... Great work!
AmericanJynx Jones chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
So adorable! Its an interesting idea and well done love it
thereceiv3r chapter 2 . 12/10/2019
Aaah that's the end? Thanks for sharing such a long and creative piece!

While reading this chapter, I was wondering if Ulqui was "born" as a male. Then I started thinking if his male parts were acquired or just part of him, since his other parts had to be acquired. But then I remembered that last chapter Orihime had told him to cover himself so I guess he IS male-born. XD
xXShy-YuukiXx chapter 2 . 12/10/2019
Very good
EIV-JKR chapter 2 . 12/10/2019
Haaaa. Happy Ulquihime Week to me. -JKR
JK Robertson chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
Here it is! Glad I found it on here so I can follow because like I said on Tumblr, this is FANTASTIC. MOARRRRR plz
KogitsuneHime chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
This is truly fascinating! I cant wait to see more. My heart breaks for Ulqiorra. Orihime thinks him a figment of her
imagination when in reality, while he was already "alive" before, she was the one to truly give him life. This is so unique and I just absolutely love it
Kira4Schiffer chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
Oh, this is so unusual and intriguing.
I like it. Can't wait for the next chapter already