Reviews for The Hero Needs a Travel Guide
Joyeuse X chapter 9 . 7/10
Small lore nitpick. The reincarnated hero is actually an unknown hero from before the Hero of Time. Technically, the Skyward Sword hero was the "first" reincarnation of the hero, with the Hero of Time being after. Also, the holder of Wisdom is Hylia reincarnated. This was all actually the narrative centerpiece of Skyward Sword. Not that Zelda canon means anything. BotW technically did a cop out and said all the Zelda games were "legends", so technically every game is valid. L

Feel free to ignore this, as I have clearly played way too many Zelda games. Also, nice to see an update.
ZeldaBrowser chapter 5 . 4/28
Hee hee, really liking Farrow here. She's an excellent character!
Creatus O' Spiritus chapter 8 . 3/13
Love your story so far. Please keep up the good work. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work. Excited for the next update
Joyeuse X chapter 7 . 2/27
Kind of surprised you don't have more reviews here. Anyways, excellent story so far. Loving your OC's personality and incorporation into the story, as well as your ingenious explanation of certain franchise aspects. Only thing I would caution against is your initial position on pairings. I've seen a number of fics where the OC genuinely has good chemistry with a character (without sharing a lot of character traits), but the author refused to pursue it because of their feelings when they started, even if it would have benefitted the story and character development.

While shipping your OC is done a lot, it's rarely done well. Just food for thought. Naturally, it's your story.
Creatus O' Spiritus chapter 6 . 1/10
Loving it so far. Please keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next chapter!