Reviews for Kassi's Good Times in Galar
Darknessaweights chapter 39 . 7/25
I wish I read just a little more before reviewing...
I like the idea that there are alternating leaders, but I’m guessing Allister wasn’t mentioned because he’s probably a child?
Darknessaweights chapter 39 . 7/25
Huh, I see you went with Melony despite also having Bea. I guess it makes sense for this story.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/16
Looks good
CoIM chapter 41 . 3/20
*reviews late because she was busy with her island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons!*

*giggles at Amber's change of mood after feeling Taiko's erection* I created a slut. *grins*

I am filled with distrust of Ivy. She's a massive bitch, isn't she?

Oh wow, Ellie had a meltdown; it was well written!

Amber's the camp mum, huh? I suppose there are worse things to be.

Opal might be old, but she has *experience*, and that is worth a lot, you dumb teens. :-P

Kassi and Hope did very well. I approve.

Golden Oneshot... more like the Golden Cumshot. :-P

My god, Keifer is such a *male*. :-P

...oh no, now *I'm* worried about Amber. *frowns*

I'm surprised that Melony *tried* Dynamaxing. Does she not believe what she's heard?
CoIM chapter 40 . 3/14
Why am I not surprised that Rei has roofies?

*hugs Keifer and gives him a pepper-up*

I love Kassi's side of the nightclub! :-D

...ten to one that this just encourages Rei to get Amber to piss on her more.
CoIM chapter 39 . 3/14
Oooh, it's a MELODY. Nice one!

Oh, we're going to run a train on Melony, eh? Should be good!

Wow, Ellie is a little brat, and Rei's loving it.

Well, if you want a dick, Kassi, use that Pokébaby stuff?

I love how "Amber's dick" implies she used Pokébaby. :-P

*dissolves into giggles at Rei's persistence in getting piss play*

One wonders how Amber learned the pose...

...a mystery surrounds the lovely Amber...
CoIM chapter 38 . 3/14
Ooh, a late night booty call...

Kassi, you're not seriously going to call Amber? Oh no, this can't end well.

Oh no. You poor thing, you just royally screwed yourself over.

*wanders off to change her panties*
CoIM chapter 37 . 3/14
Rei is a super smart gal in this. Woohoo!

Ana is sex crazed. Does she need therapy? :-P

Brilliant, Kassi, apologise while doing EXACTLY what you're apologising for. Smart.

*smacks Keifer* Puns are not allowed, mister. :-P
CoIM chapter 36 . 2/25
See what happens when you let males tag along in this? You get problems like a second generation of Ana and Hatters. :-P

They started it, and Amber *ended* it. I approve so hardcore.

Kassi, you're an oversexed teenager. It's not a problem, it's just your hormones. :-P managed a 'and Keifer' joke. I love it!

Amber is *such* a girl. :-P But I quite agree, dresses are best!

*grins* Rei is amazing. And horny.

That Froslass is a dangerous being, but clearly Kassi is a cat, with nine lives.


Aw, Ana has birthed her egg!
CoIM chapter 35 . 2/18
Oh, this is WONDERFUL already, Rei is completely out of her depth.

Oh ho ho... Keifer seems to recognise Amber. Wonder what's up with *that*. :-P

...Kassi is VERY headstrong there. Oh my. Will she ever listen to others?

Yes, you lot have DEFINITELY corrupted Ellie. Such innocence defiled.

Keifer had a baby with Primarina? OMG that's awesome.

*raises eyebrow at such a... summary of sex, not being used to them as such*


...well, the lack of prior sex scene makes sense now; Kassi and Amber are gonna bone.

And yes, Nona getting horny *is* a liability when trying to see. Thanks for informing me. :-P
CoIM chapter 34 . 2/11

...seriously? Keifer's that drunk/horny/dumb? He doesn't even consider his OWN Pokémon? That said, Hatterene is an evil thing, and I LOVE her.

Kassi took Keifer's ass! Woot! He'll be back, begging for more, I bet!

WELP, Rei's got some explaining to do. I hope she's got something good to say.
CoIM chapter 33 . 2/7
You know, NONE of these characters can get enough sex. What exactly do they feed them in Galar?

Ellie in something cutesy, omg! Yes, we need it! :-D

Shouldn't Keifer be complaining of a very sore penis by now, given how much of a damn workout it's getting? :-P

No, eggs are definitely more fun than actual babies. Poor Ellie.

So the Eevees are getting the loli-nade? :-P

...Hop is... persistent, I'll grant him that. But he doesn't seem... smart enough, I guess, to outthink anyone except a gym leader.

Ana you horny devil.
CoIM chapter 32 . 2/4
Trouble makers? Sonia, you... *trails off* ...hmm. Look. Some of it isn't their fault. They didn't ask a salesman to try and con people, did they?

...oh poor Ellie. Also honestly kind of surprised that her foster family even bothered to get her a babysitter. I assume they got a really hot redhead?

Rei, you little slut. How dare you malign Kassi's character just to get Keifer dick. are all legendaries futanaris, or?

Ana will never be satisfied with her experiments, will she?
SuperNova23 chapter 31 . 1/31
I am privy to a few details from the discord, but I am most interested in a few things.
1. The fact Ellie’s baby has no egg, since legend says even Arceus came from an egg
2. How people can just freeze Kassi out of their minds
CoIM chapter 31 . 1/31
Welp, this is a mess, and no mistake. Multiple pregnancies, multiple babies, how are they going to handle all of them? :-P

Honey, Cinnamon Bun, and Melons. *giggles immaturely*

Rose sensed Kassi's intrusion? Interesting!

...and Elaine has protection also? *raises an eyebrow* Oh wow.

Ellie is marked by Arceus. Hot damn.
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