Reviews for A Wizards Life in Magical Academia (re)
P.M.Alderhill chapter 7 . 7/1
seems like a great rea just hope harry doesnt forgive the potters for abandoning him
VentXekart chapter 7 . 1/12
I was actually wondering when you'd come back to 'A Wizards Life In Magical Academia's because at first I thought you had abandoned it and/or put in on hiatus but imagine my surprise when I saw that you had a rewrite of it up.

Anyway, I like how you've put the storyline in chronological order and instead of switching between the first, second, and third year like in the original while keeping much of the original content intact. I like how you elaborated on how Harry met both Delphini and Aster as well as the Canon characters. I also liked how you introduced Harry to monster girls with Junior from Webbes Bookshop as well as how you brought up her relationship with Hagrid and presumably Aragog which is interesting.

That reminds me, will Harry still play the same part he did when he was working under Ollivander? If so, can we expect Druella, the Queen of Hearts, and all of the other demi-human/monster girl characters appearing as they did in the previous iteration of this story? If so, I'd like to see you expand upon their relationship(s) with Harry if you plan on bringing them back in. I'm also curious as to whether or not Junior or Aster may end up being two more monster girls he'll have intimate encounters with in the future.

Much like the previous version of this story, I'll be looking forward to reading future chapters.
Ruberforumfree chapter 7 . 12/20/2019
I don't like how he joined the team anyway. He could have used his time to do anything else! like training his magic for example
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 6 . 12/16/2019
I see what you're saying about Ghidorah, and I DID consider it at first. But then I considered some things:
1- King Ghidorah is an enemy to ALL, and is alien to our world.
2- As you pointed out yourself in this chapter, not all Slythrins are evil or dark.
3- Manda, despite possessing small vestigial legs, is the largest and most ancient serpent on the planet. And as the guardian God of the ancient Mu Empire as well as a kaiju after the Empire fell, he has done both good and evil.

Is the mountain troll incident going to be the same?
When Harry starts "working" for Olivander, trading his essence for wand materials(thus starting to turn into an incubus), will more monster girls around the school start taking more notice of him? Like the squid (kraken girl?) in the Black Lake?
Ruberforumfree chapter 4 . 12/14/2019
Always hated Ron by the way
Ruberforumfree chapter 3 . 12/14/2019
Please dont tell me Barry is going to gender-bend in the future. I hate those tipe of fic.
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 5 . 12/12/2019
This is an interesting twist on the Harry, Ron, Hermione dynamic! Will they still become "the Golden Trio" of Hogwarts? PLEASE, will Harry still join the Gryffindor quiddich team his first year?
Clever sneaking Bill Weasley in there!
I'm glad this isn't a Dumbles-bashing story. Though in one on my HP series is and my Harry took care of it, my other HP story has him meaning well but made mistakes. Please check out my works!

If the Hogwarts Houses had champion Titans(Monsterverse), here's how I'd see it:
Gryffindor: Godzilla; Unstoppable Fury, Unthinkable Power, Unbreakable Will.
Ravenclaw: Mothra; Intelligence, Knowledge, and Wisdom.
Hufflepuff: Anguirus; Loyal and Tenacious.
Slytherin: Manda; DUH! The largest and most ancient serpent on Earth.
vashthesnake chapter 5 . 12/12/2019
I'm really into this story but when he stays behind to speak with McGonagall there are some sentences that get cut in the middle, or are missing.
CAD270895 chapter 5 . 12/12/2019
good chapter
Shiza Riku chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
I hope the story gets far enough to explain the plot point about lily and james in regards to their son. Kinda wanted to know.
Innortal chapter 4 . 12/6/2019
Good addition, thank you.
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 4 . 12/6/2019
Thanks for the props, my friend, and the good news on your other story! I look forward to your reviews of my works, especially my HP works! If you don't mind, I'd like to work a version of your centaur sub-plot into my "Harry Potter and the Order of the Dragon"? Bane strikes me as the type to side with Voldemort, and that can work well into what I have planned.
CAD270895 chapter 4 . 12/6/2019
more please
CAD270895 chapter 3 . 12/6/2019
i love this story more please
Chosen-One-92 chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
Glad to see you back. Any chance you could explain in more detail what you mean by same plot and what else might be different? By changed writing style do you mean different pace; different structure (more linear, more/less flaskbacks, timeskips etc)?

Great to see you back, as said.
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