Reviews for The Girl in the Mirror
Pendragon44231 chapter 5 . 8/18
I cannot begin to explain how much I adore this. I'm in awe at how it's written. The absolutely beautifully crafted love scenes, which I hope continue to dot through this story since it works so well with Dimitri and Byleth, the political tensions that dapple with the fear of the unknown...its like I'm reading about a sequel to Three Houses. The writing is just that in depth! I have to say I was biting my knuckles when you were describing Dimitri's gaze to Margrave talking about his father. The immense power and poise you gave him was amazing and I had about the same reaction as Byleth did, an intense pull in my stomach. I didn't check to see when this was updated but I definitely saved and followed this story. I hope you continue to write this and update soon. I kept looking at what chapter I was on because I didn't want it to end yet at the same time I love how long the chapters are! I was deeply immersed by the way you describe the setting, the reactions of characters. Thank you for starting such a lovely story! I can't wait to find out how this all ties up.
Dark Eagle91 chapter 5 . 7/18
I love it. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Una Chica con Internet chapter 5 . 7/17
I'm so intrigued right now, I'm really want to see what Dimitri will do now, and all the story is so interesting since I don't know what happened with the war.
Please continue!
elohiniar chapter 4 . 7/17
LOL so when I read chapter 5 I felt like I missed something...because I hadn’t read chapter 4. To which i must laugh at myself for not reading in order. Love it! So many descriptions. This reminds me of Robert Jordan’s writing.
elohiniar chapter 5 . 7/17
Ooooo there is sooo much mystery! Each new chapter I am left wondering what will happen next! Btw did you mean sconces for lights not scones?
elohiniar chapter 3 . 5/8
When I read this story I literally forget that I am reading a fanfic and feel like I am reading a novel, you’re writing is that good! I love this and the mystery around it.
Mei-chiri chapter 3 . 4/15
Thank you for another amazing update! It makes me glad that Byleth is fully honest with Dimitri so they can now both help her getting back memory. Dimitri's reaction sure is funny, though.

What happened to Sreng was pretty ominous. Maybe it's Byleth's powet as a goddess goong haywire because she's not fully herself?
elohiniar chapter 2 . 2/4
Gorgeous lemon! The way you write is so vivid and so sensuous i love it! I am so curious what is going to happen next!
Meichiri chapter 2 . 1/16
Thank you so much for the wonderful update. The making love sense is very sensuous and I can feel how passionate our couple's love is!
elohiniar chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
Very interesting start! I have no idea who the characters are because I'm not familiar with this fandom at all. But I love the way this is written, so detailed and so emotional. Very good start!
Meichiri chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
This story has a great start! I can't wait to see Dimitri's reaction once he realizes his wife doesn't remember him!
CA chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
Great story! Pls continue