Reviews for Caliber
Imbert Sullivan chapter 9 . 9/25
J'espère vraiment que la suite de cette histoire sortira

Jai le coeur lourd et remplis de stress de savoir si Alastor survivra et retrouvera Angel pour s'excuser et lui dire combien il l'aime

Un grand merci à l'auteur de cette fanfic , courage sache que je suis la et j'attendrai cette suite

Je partagerai sur mon groupe FR pour qu'il puisse lire cette superbe histoire
Kage Hakari chapter 9 . 9/4
Still here 3
HH-BlueDynamite chapter 9 . 9/2
I can’t wait to read more
Kimera225 chapter 9 . 9/2
Recently found thi story, it is great, hope you keep writting
Myra the Dovahkiin chapter 6 . 3/16
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
Vercinacox chapter 6 . 2/20
I am absolutely loving this story, can't wait to see what comes next!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/11
This is one of my favorite fanfics I’ve ever read! I tend to be a bit of a snob, but I love what you are doing in this story! I can’t wait for more chapters! Keep up the great work!
WaffleQueen9803 chapter 5 . 2/13
I love it! More updates please!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/13
Is cherry bomb gonna join them? I feel like angel would probably trust her enough to mention her to al.
SoulThroughaStraw chapter 3 . 12/22/2019
Oh boy, a road trip! Things are really heating up!
Demitri-Landgravate chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
This is starting off spectacularly! I enjoy the writing style, the characters are well portrayed, and I can’t wait to see more! Thank you doll!