Reviews for Run to You
PastOneonta chapter 10 . 6/24
Lovely story. Bella found her way and strength and ended things with Edward and it was wonderful. Jacob was great, I was glad to see him as Alpha. I thought Rose and Jasper and Emmett were very good. Edward was so manipulative and awful he deserved the Volturi for eternity. Interesting that he dazzled Bella. I liked the imprint between Bella and Jacob too and the decisions Jacob made. Beautiful conclusion with the wedding that fit Jake and Bella. Thanks for writing, I’m glad I found this.
Christina Werkheiser chapter 10 . 5/18
amazing story.. love the fact you had Bella realize on her own and then stick to it instead of going wishy washy just because she was worried she would hurt Edward.
Kemq chapter 10 . 4/28
Great story.
brankel1 chapter 10 . 4/2
Totally amazing. Glad that aro took Alice and Edward and them with them except Rosalie and Emmett.
4Gracie04 chapter 10 . 4/1
Beautiful story! Edward and Alice got what they deserved and Edward couldn't lie his way out of this to Aro. Carlisle should have had more control over his coven in the first place. I am so happy for Jake and Bella! SehunsBae37 you write the most amazing stories! Thank you!
MammaNita4 chapter 10 . 4/1
Beautiful ending to a wonderful story! Edward, Alice, and Carlisle deserve the punishment they received from Aro. They encouraged Edward's vain attempt at love for a human, but also used their vampire skills to persuade Bella to love him. At the end Bella and Jacob got married on First Beach in front of their loved ones and plan to start a new life together. She finally found her happiness and heart in Jacob and she was never going to let go again.
Ollie chapter 10 . 4/1
This story was so awesome! So glad for Jacob and Bella that they finally got their HEA. And I loved the inclusion of the Volturi and what happened. Edward got everything he deserved, they all did, good or bad. Great story, author-san.
corkykellems chapter 10 . 4/1
Love HEA for these two...Great Story...Thanks and stay safe
cazois chapter 9 . 3/14
I love this Bella ! I love love this story! I can’t wait for the last chapter!
Taino Delsan13 chapter 9 . 3/1
Way to go Bella you tell him how you feel about what he did to you of all the time in your relationship.

Can't wait to read when Jacob wear the flower crown that his beloved/imprint ask for. Gracias for updating
brankel1 chapter 9 . 2/27
I totally amazing.
Ollie chapter 9 . 2/27
Yes bitch! Bella finally-FINALLY-spoke her mind and heart to Edward and read him for filth up and down. And all he could do was stand there and tAke it. I do wonder what he'll do now that she's finally walked away and left him to clean up his mess, as he should and not have others do it. Btw, the egg thing was hilarious lol. And as for Bella and Jacob, I can't wait for the final chapter to see these flower crowns on their wedding day. I'm glad I found this story before you finished it. Looking forward to the last chapter.
Ollie chapter 8 . 2/27
Yes, Jasper is right. Alice is only thinking about Ed-boy's happiness and not Bella's. At least he and Rosalie planted the seeds to make her think about it. Now Ed-boy is going to confront Bella when she's not ready. I hope Bella can think on her feet.
Ollie chapter 7 . 2/27
Damn it, you made me cry! But they are happy tears, so it's okay. Jacob and Billy reuniting was as sweet as pie and was beautiful. It won't be long before the Cullens find out Bella is back though.
April-Showers82 chapter 9 . 2/26
It was a good chapter. I'm glad and proud of Bella for finally speaking her mind and heart. Edward deserved the talking down he received from Bella. Plus, now that Charlie knows, things should only get better from here.
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