Reviews for Sectorial Ambitions
Spirally chapter 3 . 8/7
Hell yeah, a very solid update indeed! Looks like the Dominion is about to get wrecked by a whole bunch of Domain Era humans. Considering the power of the AI ships they left around the sector it'll certainly make for a very interesting conflict. Especially if the Hegemony gets involved in it. Could possibly turn ugly real quick, but it'll be very funny indeed.

Thanks for the update! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
human dragon chapter 3 . 8/2
This is a really interesting story and i can't wait for more :)
kickthebucket9637 chapter 2 . 1/15
Diable Avionics, even before other vanilla Starsector factions are introduced? Oh my. Here's hoping other modded factions like the Scy Nation or the Imperium will be introduced or name-dropped in the story~
Spirally chapter 2 . 1/15
Wow, this is actually really good, I don't know much about Starcraft but the way you introduce the universe and merge it with Starsector's is amazing! The balance between the 2 verse is also not very lopsided, so it'll be interesting. I especially love the interactions between the characters, can't wait to see more of em, esp between Alexandra and Artemisia.

Though, if I may ask, how would the Hegemony handle things ground-wise? I don't imagine they'll want to bombard things everytime.

And since they're colonising, do they have the resources to fortify the system and establish industry?

Nevertheless, Keep up the great work!

(also love the lil nod to Diable, I suppose other mod factions will make appearances/cameos too?)
SuperTasty chapter 1 . 1/15
surprised to see the hegemony here on ffn. instant follow
Oth Thakom chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
I have no idea if this is the first Starsector fanfiction but I want more of it now