Reviews for Cry Uncle
Mary chapter 1 . 12/20/2019
This story is beautifully, well-written (although, and I'm saying this as constructively as possible, breaks in between the various periods with Ben and Peter would help with the transition and flow of the story (breaks as in adding lines or a year stamp to signify the change); without these breaks, I've had to go back and read certain parts again because the shift of sequence was too sudden and abrupt). In any case, I love your take on Uncle Ben. He rarely gets the attention he deserves even though he and May have shaped Peter into the remarkable hero we all know and love. Thank you for this story!
Belbelanne chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
Great story. Loved reading it.
The Muses' Summer House chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
Poor Uncle Ben really got neglected in the MCU. I really liked reading your take on his personality here. Well done!