Reviews for Rise of the Holy Soldier
Kranon the Deathclaw-Human chapter 14 . 7/20
Well, even if some people dislike Douglas after chapter 14, I'm one of the people who still kinda likes him... just to let you know.
Anyways, now a little bit on the story...
I guess that means Loona is now an orphan (unless she's got someone else). I wonder if she will appear as a resident in the Happy Hotel later, though.

As for Katie Killjoy: that bitch with "standards" better ready herself, because Douglas will soon arrive to tear her apart and utterly destroy her show.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/1
Douglas kinda sounds like a dick now. Like the average Angels with the sticks up their asses. I have a feeling Charlie is going to walk in and basically refer to him as not a nice person anymore. Hell, for all I know, Alastor might swoop in and get the killing blow before Douglas can, and take over the Magne's legacy.
Kranon the Deathclaw-Human chapter 11 . 5/17
I see Douglas has already met Seviathan Von Eldritch. And that must mean it won't take too long for him to meet Seviathan's sister, Helsa, who is also Charlie's rival.

By the way, I hope Douglas can either be able to defeat Lucifer and Lilith without killing them, or be able to reason with them.

Oh I almost forgot about two things.
1- I bet if Seviathan knew that Lucifer was thinking of having Charlie marry Douglas at first, Seviathan would be throwing a fit;
And 2- I sure hope Douglas can be able to find and use that tome that was mentioned in chapter 9 to bring back those that had died unfairly, such as: Cherri Bomb, Tom Trench, Niffty, Mimzy, and Sir Pentious.
ClyxicRyse chapter 9 . 4/9
I'd like to see them get together personally I think they'd be great and I think you'd be fine I see a fair bit of people asking for OCxCharlie stories personally my opinion is if you ship then then just do it its up to you at the end of the day
AhO4464 chapter 3 . 1/7
I think it’s more of how undermined Cherri’s death was presented and treated by Angel rather than the death itself.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/1
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
Quite nice, keep going
Guest chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
Nice, keep going
WhatAmIDoingWithMyLife1 chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
this is getting interesting, time to see what path goes forward.