Reviews for In All Our Lives
Molly chapter 1 . 8/9
I'm quite bad at reviewing sorry but I just want you to know how much I love reading all of these aus and wow you are so talented! I love your imagination and your writing!
Athena2019 chapter 15 . 7/31
I’m so happy you’re updating this story again!
starspangledpumpkin chapter 2 . 7/30
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh my G-d I loved this story so much. The pacing was perfect in the little snippets of conversation and I like the references made to canon while still changing it up to match the prompt needs. It was sweet, simple, and when Dora decided she was going to save Remus I got goosies. Well done.
Athena2019 chapter 13 . 6/27
Aaaaahh, this was adorable! I’m so glad you’re still updating, I love all of these stories so much.
HowlShield chapter 11 . 5/22
I love reading about cryptography (even if I don't think I understand too much of it), and definitely enjoyed The Imitation Game.

So this story was enjoyable, and your Tonks/Remus were adorable as always.

And now I'm sitting here trying to understand the 1 12 12 9 above GISELLE. Looks like I need to look into Beale ciphers again!
Sunnyjma chapter 10 . 4/25
Awww Remus is so adorably Moody, I love it
Guest chapter 10 . 4/18
MoonytheMarauder1 chapter 9 . 3/18
Omg, I am so ready for the novel-length version of this. :P

You were *so right* when you said I'd like this. It is right up my alley, and I am a huge fan. A very huge fan. I love medieval!aus, but it's so rare that I find a good RemusTonks one—but now I have to search no longer.

This plot was so unique. Tailor!Remus has to be one of my favorite things ever now, but what really set this story apart was the whole parent drama—my mind was blown. That was some really great suspense right there. XD Lucius and Narcissa... who would've thought? And it made the ending that much sweeter; my heart simultaneously broke and warmed when Andromeda opened the door to find Dora there.

Another one of my fave things in this fic: Alastor Moody. I LOVE that you incorporated him so well into this universe! I love his dialogue, his character, his role in the fic... all of him. The fact that you didn't shy away from his prosthetic was appreciated, too. And of course, I loved getting to see the other Marauders, too. Dora as an archer is also one of my new favorite things—I loved that scene. It was really well written and very vividly described.

Back to Remus as a tailor. His attention to detail was remarkable, and definitely a trait I can see him carrying over from canon. His thoughtfulness, too, what with gifting Dora the archer's gear and embroidering his love onto her gown's sleeve. Ack. I can't. So cute. And honestly... the pregnancy just made everything even more exciting. It's so lucky Remus was there to let out her waistline, and I really loved the attention you gave to that. Same with how uncomfortable riding had become; it was another interesting detail that made the fic more alive. And Remus running away with Dora, no questions asked (well—sort of), was the icing on the cake. I really do believe that he'd follow her anywhere, so I love that you included that here.

Honestly, you always do such a great job of reminding me how much I love this pairing, so thank you for that.

But really, I loved so much about this fic. The characters were all written so well, the plot was unique and engaging, you incorporated canon into this universe so creatively... I'm in love with it. Gorgeous writing—you've done such an amazing job!
Herochick007 chapter 5 . 3/18
Let me start off by saying I love mermaids and mermaid Tonks is no exception! I love how you described her hair, how it looks like camouflage for the water. Tonks and Remus are always a cute pairing and one of the few canon ones I like. I like how Remus is doing research for Defense, which plays into the canon of him teaching it. Dora helping him with his studies, her helping him figure out how the creatures got to the lake and her calling out his horrible handwriting were all very sweet. I also like how she likes to hear him read and how at first he thought she was going to drown him since this plays into the mermaid/siren lore nicely. A cute little mermaid AU fic that I will probably be thinking about on and off. Great job!
Insert Clever Potter Name Here chapter 9 . 3/12
I would honestly read an entire store of this
HowlShield chapter 9 . 3/12
I've loved every one of these stories so far!
The only issue is that once the chapter is done, there's no more.
As always, excellent writing! If you ever write a book (maybe a book of short stories, because 'In All Our Lives' shows that you can write about any topic), let us know. I'd definitely buy it!
Rebeccaseal chapter 3 . 3/5
This is freaking adorable
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 2 . 2/17
This chapter (chapter 2) is amazing. I love it so much. The way you showed the passage of time through Remus’s physical condition really set up the conversation about being twenty years later. Also, you addressed how his transformations draw him closer to death, which many people don’t. I loved seeing them in this AU where they were so happy, not having to worry about a war or blood status. This was really fantastic.
scientistsinistral chapter 3 . 2/16
Bless, bless, bless. The description of all the baked goods is making my mouth water, and I'm going to have to run out tomorrow and grab something to satiate this craving! Your interactions and description are just so easy and natural, and I fall more in love with them (and with Tech) more and more with each passing story. Thank you so much for writing!
Peach97 chapter 2 . 2/15
Well that was incredibly beautiful and inventive... thank you! xx
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