Reviews for Zero Compromise
Arashionelove chapter 7 . 6/9
Loving it so far! Please please update!
MCJwolflover chapter 7 . 5/21
Please update!
Yaoi-Nation chapter 6 . 4/27
your character is so strong and beautiful done so. i like it! keep going!
Sarah chapter 7 . 3/28
Aww, this was such a sweet chapter. Even though Ashlynn has been annoying and ignoring her friend/mate, he still cares very much for her. I loved the details with his 'demented' red eyes. Amazing how he fully intended to take the guy's skull.

I wonder what in the world will happen next. Great writing!
Sarah chapter 6 . 3/28
I'm very glad I decided to give this story a chance.

I gotta say that I really enjoy reading about how Ashlynn is fairing with living among the Yautja and how the others regard her. Thanks for all of that detail!
Mariah chapter 7 . 3/23
Yikes he found out about her plan.
Kikimoom chapter 7 . 3/14
Good story
NeverNeverLady chapter 7 . 3/12
Hmm, wonder what will come of this?
Guest chapter 6 . 3/11
I can't wait for more! Please bring us another chapter! I really love this story, it's so different to other kind of stories I read before. I really love it
Jilian chapter 6 . 2/11
I love what you have done so far with the story. It’s unique and a breath of fresh air. :)
NeverNeverLady chapter 6 . 2/9
Hehe, yes I will continue to 'roast' Ashlynn because I still think she's behaving unreasonably by making absolutely no attempt to see things from Aku'ly-de's point of view. Who is going to know what Ashlynn does? God doesn't care whether she's married or not, that's just her religion talking.
DarkOne09 chapter 6 . 2/8
Oh boy ... I get the feeling that something’s about to go down. Making a Yautja make jealous is a dangerous affair but very interesting to see.

And you’re right about people being forced to do something just because the other partner wants something else. A relationship should be about compromises and working together but not sure how that’ll work between ooman and Yautja.

I can’t wait to see what male she will choose and I hope he treats her well to make her former mate jealous. Ooooooo ;)
KTCameleon chapter 5 . 2/6
Maybe someone will take her under their wing and help her be stronger? But she has to do it for herself. When I was reading her mates rant and thoughts on not being her mate i thought it's a good thing she didn't give him it.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/3
I hate that Aku'ky-de thinks that he is the only man that could understand her. He is apart of the reason her self confidence is low. She needs another male to show her that she is beautiful and worth being waited on. As the old saying goes one man's trash is another's treasure.
NeverNeverLady chapter 5 . 2/2
How much longer is she going to go on being so stupid? She will lose him over something that really doesn't even matter that much, and then she'll be on her own and at at the mercy of those who won't give two hoots about her beliefs! Gah, she makes me so mad!
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