Reviews for The Field Trip that Tony and Pepper came on
cshen.julienne chapter 6 . 8/1
tomholland20205 chapter 6 . 6/28
omg, I loved that, please say you're going to keep going with this story :) x
kreads01 chapter 3 . 6/10
wait r they starks or parkers in this fic
shows movies admire chapter 1 . 4/18
This is a great story
Mikitsukami chapter 6 . 3/4
I mean I can understand why people who mistake who Tony is, it's not like you see him a lot up close and without a suit. But honestly, paired with a women named Pepper, who wears a three piece suit and has orange hair. It makes it pretty obvious don't you think?
KMER79 chapter 6 . 1/16
Really liked where the story was going. But you’ve made some of the main characters very OOC which makes it quite difficult to read at times and gives the impression of this being more of a crack fic. It’s also very irritating to read sentences LiKe ThIs BeCaUsE it completely ruins the flow of the sentences and clauses. I do really really like your plot though and loved the idea of the avengers all coming together for Peter. Just a few minor things to work on but hey everyone does
Spideyfangirl123 chapter 6 . 1/15
Spiderman spiderman , got flash into trouble cause iron man can
Hellspawn1804 chapter 6 . 1/14
This is a wonderful chapter! I wanna see the aftermath pleaaaaaaase!
Belbelanne chapter 6 . 1/14
Glad that the trip ended on a high for the class, MJ's smart, bet she already knows that Peter is Spider-Man. Can't wait to read what you have planned.
Melancholy's Sunshine chapter 6 . 1/14
I wonder how Delmar reacted to being invited to work in the cafeteria of Stark Tower. It would be funny to one day head that story.
Midnite Girl chapter 4 . 1/11
Serious question here, why when Tony removed the aviator glasses, no one of Midtown High recognized him, after his reveal; I am Iron Man.
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 5 . 1/11
Melancholy's Sunshine chapter 5 . 1/10
Looks like the family secret is out in the open now.
Belbelanne chapter 5 . 1/10
Justice Pepper Stark style! Lol. Is the movie mentioned Ender's Game or Aliens V's Cowboys? Of course they outed themselves (eye roll) lol. Wonder how the rest of the people on tour react?
poohbear123 chapter 1 . 1/7
Great story
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