Reviews for Treacherous Intentions
FellStroke chapter 20 . 6/18
A satisfying end to a masterfully woven story. Bravo!

Can't wait to read your next piece.
Nayru Elric chapter 3 . 5/26
Greetings! The summary of this story was intriguing enough for me to want to try it out, and I must say the ideas you toy with here are quite refreshing, especially when it comes to Link's characterization in an AU. Normally, I dislike Link talking in any story and in any form, but the fact that you made him quiet and hot-headed due to his cynical and sadistic nature fits so well with this world. Your dialogue is also lavish and entertaining (referring to Master Kohga's speech in Chapter 1 here), and showcases the characters' vibrancy as they are embedded wonderfully into this AU world. I also find the story progression methodical, with much investment, as it is clear you have a lot of passion for this AU.

However, while this AU clearly attempts to form a sort of schism from BotW canon in Link's diametric characterization and the dastard state of the Yiga Clan, I felt you cling too much to the game itself in all other aspects. Simple references to weapons or attire of BotW characters peppered into the descriptions are fun little Easter eggs for us readers/players of the game, but sometimes it felt as if these references were meant to guide the entire story. So rather than letting your own voice shine and play with these concepts, you were using canon as a crutch to guide you. For example, in this chapter, when Link is saving Zelda from the rogue Guardian, there is so much time spent to building up Link's spotting of the pot lid he'll use to deflect the Guardian's beam. In reality, this moment likely happened a lot faster, so your description building up to this moment felt redundant and deflated the tension of the moment to focus on the game mechanic of pot lid shield deflection.

I skimmed the ending and as other reviewers have remarked, it seems your direction made the ending of this fic impactful and ring true. I have my hat off to you for pursuing an AU so devotedly, as I myself have a lot of trouble with that. I hope that you will be able to develop your writing style to reflect your unique sense of passion for the BotW world and the characters/situations you have thoughtfully put in place rather than relying on canon. I wish you luck in your sequel/prequel!

Hospitaller1080 chapter 20 . 5/18
I started reading this when it only had like 3 chapters and I always anticipated a new chapter everyweek! I really liked the concept of yiga!link and this one is

Cant wait for a sequel! Stay safe during these troubled times.
NekoPantera chapter 20 . 5/15
Wow, what an ending. Congrats!
I shall be eagerly awaiting the next part of this adventure.
And I will say that this was a complete joy to read, it was a refreshing perspective and well written. I don't have anything but good things to say about this story.
As always, keep up the good work.
Love, Neko
FlyteNyte chapter 1 . 5/14
Holy hell. Just found this fic and love the premise. Link born into the yoga clan... wow.

Iv also instantly accepted the headcanon that zeldas mother was killed by the yiga clan. Thats horrible and I never thought of that even though it makes perfect tragic sense.

Can't wait to read all this over next bit of time I have
Guest chapter 20 . 5/14
This was an incredible story. You wrapped up the end quite well, an it felt very satisfying. I'll expect your following works.
RandomFF.netUser chapter 20 . 5/13
I'll say it point-blank: I don't normally like BOTW stories. I'm not sure why. It's usually not the author's fault. But I did actually like this. Outstanding job, mate.
dragonbornthesam chapter 20 . 5/13
I loved this whole heartedly! Please make a follow up involving the events of Botw.
CriticalOptimist chapter 20 . 5/13
Yo! You wrapped that up so well! And threatened...oh my God I can't wait...I definitely feel like Zelda' s deception will rear its ugly head in the sequel, but it'll be a little bit (and feel like forever) before I know that. And the prequel will be so...enlightening. It'll certainly give me an excuse to reread this story! And congrats on finishing!
DarthFlores chapter 20 . 5/13
A great ending to an all around great fic.
MikeHoxBig chapter 20 . 5/13
I’d love a Link whose job it is to save the world but then stares at all the Hylians wanting him to do a fetch quest.


Link: She said she likes crickets above all but i’m pretty sure she was ly-


Link: Another word from you and that will be the last thing you’ll say before your head is sent to the clerk’s doorstep.
Linz2 chapter 20 . 5/13
Joyeuse X chapter 20 . 5/13
Hmm. I congratulate you on a job well down, and a finished story, but I freely admit that I am disappointed that you went the canon route. Ah well. Good luck with the next one.
redmiserable chapter 20 . 5/13
This story was just excellent. I waited for each Wednesday with bated breath. So far, you are the only writer I've seen to actually make a BotW prequel fic interesting, in character, and even more so... unique. I am so excited to read the next works in this series!
LINDINI200 chapter 18 . 5/7
Lmao Imagine him remembering he was supposed to assassinate Zelda 100 years later. What a shock. That would make a nice series. Great story! Absolutely love these type of stories!
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