Reviews for Riding the Wild Night Mare
Bubblegum1027 chapter 1 . 1/3
Loved this! Really well written and captured the night terrors spot on!
Elanshaw chapter 1 . 1/3
Nicely done. I could see everything clearly.
I like that Gil has been keeping an eye on Malcolm ever since a young age.
MissScorp chapter 1 . 1/2
Hi there! This was a good look at what the early terrors must have been like. The panic, the fear, the running like a wild animal being chased. Lashing out to protect himself the best he can from the things haunting him. Your heart breaks for little Malcolm because he’s dealing with things that adults struggle with. Making it worse is the person who caused this terror inside him, who left him to get attacked by Shannon because of his choice to kill, is his father. The person who should be comforting him. Protecting him.

Gil fills that role perfectly, his skills and knowledge of dealing with perps who are violent or react violently because they’re high, in a psychotic state or victims even allows him to get around Malcolm’s fists and feet. He quiets him, comforts him, and makes him feel as if he’s safe. Something that Jessica can’t do, sadly. The trauma involves her. Not because she helped but because she didn’t know and put a stop to what was being done. That line of trust is broken and has to be slowly rebuilt. Something Gil does by providing that comfort and security.

Very nice job!