Reviews for Pondering Internally and Goading Godlings Over Things
jdboss1 chapter 4 . 7/31
Quite a humorous take on the director

A pretty interesting read would love to see more
suzga chapter 4 . 7/28
Lol, this Bakuda/Canary partnership totally deserves a spinoff XD
Forum Explorer chapter 3 . 7/17
Well that was glorious. I am absolutely loving the hilarity of Piggot wielding the power of Genre Saviness and how effective it makes her.
Kaiya Azure chapter 3 . 7/16
At the moment, I wouldn't bet on it. Though I hope to see Tattletale and Skitter (assuming she doesn't pick her own cape name) meet with Emily. Mostly for the sake of seeing the reactions of Tattletale and Skitter when the former reads the Director. Still, the aftermath might see them team up to bring down Coil. Maybe?
Kaiya Azure chapter 2 . 7/16
Heh, not a para-human and she manages to baffle at least one super villain.
Kaiya Azure chapter 1 . 7/16
Okay, that definitely sounds like something which will make for interesting reading if Coil and/or Tattletale ever manage to look at Piggot's notes.
Aztecdupstep chapter 3 . 7/13

"Owned by a game company"

nice gw reference there
the story is great and I will wait for the next one.
Silvercrystal.ct chapter 3 . 7/13
“I don’t have a ear to ear grin, you do... shut up.”
It’s only 9:30 and this has made my day.
ohkyoungsun chapter 2 . 3/9
Plz continus this series
avatar junkman chapter 2 . 2/28
I dont really like the PRT but told from this point of view its pretty funny
Magyk69 chapter 1 . 2/18
this is pretty hilarious. especially since she's basically right about the whole situation and her only mistake is who is doing all these string pulling shenanigans
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21
Wow, Piggot ended up getting it halfway right. The 'what', but not the 'who'. But in a way that might end up being for the best.

'Cause I can see this as ending up actually helping New Wave out; or at least Panacea, since some... irregularities would end up getting revealed there.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/21
I like how regent was catalogued as a girl and tentative ward recruit until Piggot ended processing the information. Please keep updating.
Belomor chapter 2 . 1/21
Smart comedy. I love it!
Backseat reader chapter 2 . 1/21
Super funny and interesting to read. Love these sorts of stories. Can’t wait for more!
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