Reviews for Professionalism
BlackKitKat chapter 49 . 7/1
Thank you for this great story.
At first I was sceptical about reading a mundane fan fiction version about Alec & Magnus but yours was clearly well written that I read all of it in 3 days !
Hope you'll continue on writing stories as this one, it was really good :)
Darth Mundane chapter 49 . 6/28
Aww, yay! Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. I really enjoyed following Alec’s journey to a satisfying conclusion. It was very well written, and I am now looking forward to reading the whole story again without pauses for new chapters. Thank you for being so conscientious about getting new chapters up regularly and keeping the quality up. Good luck in your future endeavors!
Guest chapter 48 . 6/25
I wonder how Hodge and Valentine found them though. Maryse didn't even know where they were. They barely had a signal up there, so it wouldn't have been easy to trace anyone's phone. Valentine seemed surprised that Clary was even there, which means he likely didn't know about Simon and therefore couldn't have put a tracker on the van. Was there something in the apartment that Hodge found that told their location? With as careful as Alec is, I can't imagine that being the case. It's a puzzle I can't quite seem to figure out. I'm sure I probably missed something lol.

I had to lol at Valentine talking to Max like he was five and trying to convince him he's a friend of his parents. Does he not know that Max is almost a teen? That was hilarious. Clary got it all on camera? Brilliant. Considering that they killed Robert, they will at least get life in prison, or should. Not to mention all the attempted murders, including that of two kids. Hopefully Hodge didn't kill Elijah when he broke into the loft.
suitupsammy chapter 43 . 6/7
I am loving this story! Can't wait to see the next chapter
Sinead1901 chapter 42 . 6/5
Okay, I’ve been reading FanFiction for years and I’ve never commented on any of it before, but this feels like a good time. This is honestly one of the best things I have ever read, I never never loved a story this much and certainly never finished any of them so fast, but I just could not put this story down! From start to finish, every moment was just sweet and funny, and Alec is just this cute little sweetheart and I love him in this so much! He’s protective, and would do anything for his family, but when he finally accepts his love for Magnus... I cried! Sorry for rambling on, but I just had to tell you how amazing your writing is!
J chapter 39 . 5/25
Woah! It never even crossed my mind that calling CPS was an attempt to kidnap Max to draw out Maryse. That's quite a twist. Camille and Valentine? Now there's a match made in the deepest part of Hades if I ever saw one lol.
J chapter 38 . 5/20
So, all they have to do in court is prove that Camille called because she was jealous and wanted Alec away from Magnus (surely she bragged about what she did to someone being the ego maniac she is). Also, they need to prove that the CPS lady wasn't actually against Alec until she found out Alec had a boyfriend, right?

The CPS lady should be fired for using her own prejudices to make a decision when she KNEW that wasn't what the child wanted, nor what was best for him. Where's Invisible Buffy [to mess with the social worker's head and make her look crazy] when you need her lol.

They need an ally that has pretended to be on Camille's side and perhaps was able to get a recording (audio and visual so it can't be disputed) of Camille admitting that she called CPS to get Alec out of the way because she was jealous. Maybe Raphael could help? I hope Mags makes Camille (and Seelie for that matter) regret messing with Alec's family. Hopefully it won't take too long to get Max back with Alec and Magnus. I'm sure Camille has some very bad skeletons in her closet that could land her in prison for a really long time, maybe even the rest of her life.

Thank goodness Cat was there to temporarily take Max in. I imagine in court if Alec is asked why he didn't inform the CPS lady the first time she was there that he and Max were moving to a safer area, he'd say something about it being because her attitude/ body language changed the second he mentioned that he has a boyfriend.

Yeah, Alec probably should stop being in Magnus' employ cause that might look weird to the court. Maybe he could have Underhill become Magnus' security guard instead? I dunno.
Bianca chapter 37 . 5/18
I have my life invested in this story, too late to turn back ( not that I ever would ) This is so good and you are so talented.
Bia chapter 35 . 5/10
I am so emotionally invested in this story.
Guest chapter 33 . 5/5
This story is amazing! You are a fantastic writer! I just read 33 chapters in one day... you are super talented, thanks for sharing with us:)
Bianca chapter 32 . 4/30
Yes. the best thing I've ever read.
Linn chapter 31 . 4/26
Damn it- I hate waiting for the updates! Its really good to read and frustratingly intense. Furthermore I love the feeling the characters give of. One of my favorite malec-stories
Bia chapter 29 . 4/19
I am probably way too emotionally invested in this story, buts its just way too good not to read. Thank you soooooo much for continuing this story and I will read it to the end. xx
Darth Mundane chapter 27 . 4/12
Our poor boys! I can’t wait to read what happens next. The version I just read of this chapter was full of code, but thankfully, you could still read the story through it. I don’t know if this issue is on my side or not, but please check into it so you don’t lose readers. This is a great story.
blondevampyre666 chapter 27 . 4/12
Chapter 27 is completely unreadable.
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