Reviews for Crimson Skies
FlyingFyreFlye chapter 1 . 5/20
What an interesting idea for a story. I know this is a really serious subject, but I'm really intrigued by the idea and I enjoyed reading this chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/1
Please update!
Pecha Pichu chapter 1 . 1/9
As a fellow Aussie, thank you for addressing this issue! I hope the severity of the bushfires becomes more relateable through the lens of Hetalia to people from other nations.
CaraIsTrash chapter 1 . 1/8
I feel so bad for everyone effected by the horrible fires that’ve been happening and I’m eternally thankfully that where I am is safe. This chapter is such a good opener and I feel so bad for Aus here, I think you did an amazing job writing how it felt for him physically to go through the heatwave and slowly realise it was more. I really loved the way you drew out how things slowly got worse the longer Aus sat in the meeting, it really upped the suspense and made me feel uneasy (like waiting for the killer in a horror movie to finally show up). I could practically feel how sick he was!
Celestia chapter 1 . 1/7
Wow. You describe the scenes so well, I'm honestly super intrigued by this story. It's such a unique idea! I also love how you are writing about the correct disaster in Australia. I'm not actually affected by it directly, since I live in another state, but it's still quite unnerving knowing that we have fires on that scale here.
Anime4life5 chapter 1 . 1/6
This was so well written, I can’t wait for more! This fire season has been so disastrous, and it’s not even over yet. I feel so bad for everyone suffering. I’m glad that so many Aussies have got behind the victims with donations and support though