Reviews for Hiding the Facts
Andromeda10.01 chapter 4 . 9/19
please update this is a beautiful story and the way you write it is great id love and appreciate if you dod that
Supertrey2004 chapter 4 . 9/8
I'm really liking the story hope you continue
InuYoiushi chapter 4 . 4/14
Great story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next for them.
Natuurlik chapter 4 . 4/6
love you story so far can't wait for more
Natuurlik chapter 4 . 4/6
I would say its not a problem just explain it as ons of his latent dragon abilities that only comes on when their is real danger and because he is not sure when it will work and when not he would rather run from a fight than fight. thus explaining the first chapter as well as the 4 chapter
Arraia chapter 4 . 3/14
Perfect and update soon please
Hiccup x toothless
Fanreader26 chapter 4 . 3/14
I think it's fine if you stick close to the movie at this point since it's still early in the story. as you go on, you can either make alterations to the movie, add new content to the movie, or divert from it and make the whole thing original. just do the story the way you want and we will enjoy it
ps: thanks for the shout out. my next chapter is in the works and thanks for the follow
wnaruto616 chapter 4 . 3/13
Just keep doing what you are doing.
SnakesShadow chapter 4 . 3/13
Kay, you are doing an awesome job, dude. I swear, this is better than most of the stuff I write and I hardly have the confidence to upload anything. There are only two or three things I can see that you could improve:
1. Sometimes, you write things that your character shouldn't know. You write in first-person and sometimes, like twice a chapter, you put in thoughts of other characters or something like that.
2. Your wording sounds a bit weird sometimes. I get the overall picture of what's going on and my imagination can fill in the rest but your wording just doesn't sound good together.
3. Add in a bit more detail. Too much detail is bad and you do a good job of keeping the balance, but you don't have much detail and/or action surrounding dialogue and stuff like that.
Other than that, you are doing a great job, a lot better than I could, keep up the amazing work!
P.S. Sorry about the time and stuff if it's as late for you as it is me, but I'm pretty much an insomniac so, yeah. And I rant a lot and talk too much. Kay, bye.
ShadowMyDog chapter 4 . 3/13
I enjoy the sticking to the film points. Just one question, how closely is this going to stick to the film?
Arraia chapter 3 . 2/17
Perfect and update soon please
IzikGrimoire chapter 3 . 2/17
Very good chapter I’m looking forward to reading more!
Andromeda10.01 chapter 3 . 2/17
I read this story and went through your profile to see if you made a sequel then I noticed this is recent and you've done a good job I'll be glad to see more in the future
anyone675 chapter 3 . 2/14
Hiccup X toothless? You sick bastard! Continue.
Fanreader26 chapter 1 . 1/14
for a summary, how about
Every viking has problems but Hiccup's problem isn't something that any other viking has. all he wanted was the recognition of everyone in the village but fate had already decided that he was meant to get it from another species and falling in love with one of them was something he didn't expect
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